
  “Held coverd in case of any breach of warranty as to cargo, trade, locality, towage, salvage services or date of sailing, provided notice be given to the Underwriters immediately after receipt of advices and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium required by them be agreed.”
  美国法。有关明示保证的美国法律大体上与英国法相似。不过,美国在某些案件中曾判决违反保证仅具有暂停的后果,如果在与该违反保证无关的灭失发生之前已对该违约作出补救,保险人不得解除其责任。尽管如此,在美国许多州,但并非所有各州法院承认与英国适用相同的规则,即(如果发生违反保证)无论与灭失是否具有任何因果关系,保险人均得解除责任。(见Arnould 16th Ed .para.683.)美国法律因Wilburn Boat案已陷入某些混乱状态,人们只能对美国法律顾问对该法的现状深表同情(见第1章,第9页)。
  默示保证(Implied warranties)
  “There is an implied warranty that the adventure insured is a lawful one, and that, so far as the assured can control the matter, the adventure shall be carried out in a lawful manner.”
  如果某项有关海上冒险的保险在实施该保险当时根据英国法全部或部分非法即不可执行。发生违法干扰,诸如在宣战后开航,将使得海上冒险非法(例如,Sanday v. British & Foreign Insurance Co.Ltd. ──在向德国宣战后船舶绕航至英国港口)。
  该保证 被限定于该海上冒险必须是合法的,但似以被保险人能够控制该问题的合法方式实施。
  若某航次不合法,对该航次的保险即属无效。正如Redmond v. Smith 案的判决那样,正是因为原始合同的不可执行,成为建立在该合同基础之上的保险合同不可执行的根据。
  在Euro-Diamltd.v. Bathhurst 案中,出口至西德的钻石在仓库被盗。保险人根据J(A)格式货物保险单,拒绝承担责任,因为原告误报某些钻石的价值,以便逃避西德的进口关税。上诉法院维持了Stanghton法官有利于原告的判决,并判定:由于它关非海上保险单,并未承保任何海上冒险,不存在法定的默示保证。
  在Mackender v. Feldia 案中, 涉及一份在英国执行的有关宝石的经纪人保险单,但该保险单含有一条比利时法律和管辖条款。上诉法院判决尽管对根据英国法院该保险单将由于涉及意图走私钻石和珍珠而非法存在争议,比利时管辖条款应适用,因为该保险单只是在英国法下不能执行。这不排除法院将此问题提交当事双方同意的比利时法院决定。
  “合法的” (lawful)表面含义指根据英国法律是合法的。法官们趋向于装作不知道根据某外国法律的不合法问题。正如Mansfield勋爵辩称的那样,至关重要的问题乃是贸易自由。如今居统治地位的先例是上议院在Regaztoni v. K.C.Sethia (1944) Ltd. 案的判决。 该案涉及一份买卖印度产黄麻袋的合同,贷在印度装船至意大利再转售给南非。印度法律禁止从印度向南非出口黄麻。被上诉人依赖印度法律以非法为由拒绝承担合同义务,且被判决有权这么做。该案确立的原则乃是:如果履行某一合同涉及违反某一外国和友好国家的法律,英国法院不得强制执行该合同或裁定违约损害赔偿(Simonds 子爵)。
  Mansfield勋爵于1780年直率地宣称英国法律“不理会其他国家的税收法律”并在Planche v. Fletcher(1778)案的判决中, 确认了这种排外的方法,甚至到了伪造虚构船舶文件的程度,被判定为不违法。然而,Mansfield勋爵的观点,是否代表了当今法律界对有关国际礼让的立场,颇值怀疑。
  “There is no implied warranty as to the nationality of a ship,or that her nationality shall not be changed during the risk.”
  “39.(1) In a voyage policy there is an implied warranty that at the commencement of the voyage the ship shall be seaworthy for the purpose of the particular adventure insured.
   (2) Where the policy attaches while the ship is in port, there is also an implied warranty that she shall, at the commencement of the risk, be reasonably fit to encounter the ordinary perils of the port.
   (3) Where the policy relates to a votage which is performed in different stages, during which the ship requires different kinds of or furthter preparation or equipment, there is an implied warranty that at the commencement of each stage the ship is seaworthy in respect of such preparation or equipment for the purposes of that stage.
   (4) A ship is deemed to be seaworthy when she is reasonably fit in all respects to encounter the ordinary perils of the seas of the adventure insured.
   (5) In a time policy there is no implied warranty that the ship shall be seaworthy at any stage of the adventure, but where, with the provity of the assured, the ship is sent to sea in an unseaworty state, the insurer is not lialbe for any loss attributable to unseaworthiness.”
  (第39条.(1) 在航次保险单中有一项默示保证,即在为承保的特定海上冒险之目的而开始其航次当时,船舶应适航。
  (2) 保险单订立时若船舶停泊于港口,亦有一项默示保证,即在风险开始时,船舶应合理适宜面对该港口的通常危险。

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