
  5.See EC Treaty, Art. 46 (1). 
  6.目前,已经被欧洲法院认可的共同利益有:维护行业关系的稳定、保护服务接受者的利益、保护贷款人的利益并确保司法行政的效率、遵守职业道德、维护金融市场的良好声誉、防止欺诈、保护投资者和存款人的利益、保护劳工,也包括社会保障、社会秩序、保护知识产权、保护本国历史和艺术遗产以及文化政策和保护音像领域的文化多样性等等。See Commission of European Communities, Commission Interpretative Communication on Freedom to Provide Services and the General Good in the Insurance Sector, Official Journal of the European Communities, February 16, 2000, pp. 17-18. 
  7.在《欧共体条约》中,设立自由是“人员的自由流动”这一基本经济权利的具体要求和表现形式之一。See EC Treaty, Art. 43 (2). 
  9.See C-55/94, Reinhard Gebhard v. Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati e Procuratori di Milano, [1995] ECR I-4165, para. 25. 
  10.See Directive 2000/12/EC, Art. 1 (3); Directive 2004/39/EC, Art. 4. 1 26); Directive 92/49/EEC, Art. 1 (b); Directive 2002/83/EC, Art. 1 (b); Directive 2005/68/EC, Art. 2. 1 (d). 
  11.See Commission of European Communities, Commission Interpretative Communication on the Freedom to Provide Services and the Interest of the General Good in the Second Banking Directive, Jun. 20, 1997, pp. 9-14. 
  12.See EC Treaty, Arts. 46 and 55. 
  13.C-33/74, Van Binsbergen v. Bestuur van de Bedrijfsvereniging, [1974] ECR 1299. 
  14.C-8/74, Procureur du Roi v. Benoît and Gustave Dassonville, [1974] ECR 837.  
  15.C-76/90, Manfred Säger v. Dennemeyer & Co. Ltd., [1991] ECR I-4221. 
  16.C-120/78, Rewe-Zentral v. Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein, [1979] ECR 649.  
  17.C-101/94, Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, [1996] ECR I-2691. 
  18.C-222/95, Société Civile Immobilière Parodi v. Banque H. Albert de Bary et Cie, [1997] ECR I-3899. 
  19.See C-101/94, Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, [1996] ECR I-2691, paras. 2-8. 
  20.See C-222/95, Société Civile Immobilière Parodi v. Banque H. Albert de Bary et Cie, [1997] ECR I-3899, paras. 1-6 and 19. 
  21.C-101/94, Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, [1996] ECR I-2691, para. 31. 
  22.See Directive 77/780/EEC, Art. 3. 
  23.See Directive 89/646/EEC, Recital (5). 
  24.See C-222/95, Société Civile Immobilière Parodi v. Banque H. Albert de Bary et Cie, [1997] ECR I-3899, paras. 19 and 25. 
  25.See C-3/88, Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, [1989] ECR 4035. 
  26.See Opinion of Mr. Advocate General Jabos in C-384/93, Alpine Investment BV v. Minister van Financien, [1995] ECR I-1141, para. 64. 

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