This Clause 4 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written typed or printed in this insurance inconsistent therewith,Unless the Underwriters agree to the contrary in writing, this insurance shall terminate automatically at the time of
4.2 any change, voluntary or otherwise, in the ownership or flag, transfer to new management, or charter on a bareboat basis, or requisition for title or use of the Vessel, provided that, if the Vessel has cargo on board and has already sailed from her loading port or is at sea in ballast, such automatic termination shall if required be deferred, whilst the Vessl continues her planned voyage, until arrival at final port of discharge if with cargo or at port of destination if in ballast. However, in the event of requisition for title or use without the prior execution of a written agreement by the Assured, such automatic termiantion shall occur fifteen days after such requisition whether the Vessel is at sea or in port. A pro rata daily net return of premium shall be made.”
4.2 自愿或以其他方式变更船舶所有权,或船旗,转给新的管理人,光船出租,或被征用,征购,但如果船上载有货物,并已从装货港开航,或在海上空载航行,在船舶继续其计划航程期间,经要求,此种自动终止应延迟,直至载货船到达最后卸货港时为止,空载船到达目的港时为止。但是,如果征购、征用没有事先与被保险人签订书面协议,那么不论船舶是在海上还是在港内,此种自动终止将在此种征用后15天生效。净保险费将按日比例退回。)
4.2 款是于1891年引进的“售船条款”(Sale of vessel Clause)该条的理由在伦敦保险协议的Historic Records委员会的报告中作了如下说明: “船舶的所有权及/或管理人对保险人极为重要,保险费在很大程度上取决于该所有人或管理人先前的保险经验。联合船舶担保(Joint Hull Understandings)规定他的记录是决定续保船舶费率的主要因素…另一方面,由于海上保险单得自由转让,除非它含有明示禁止转让的条款,且由于未经他方同意,一方当事人通常不能解除合同。保险单可以随着船舶买卖,继续承保,无论新的所有权是多么地令人不快,救济是一条作废条款(clause of defeasance).”
空间在保险单清单中规定为船舶的名称。如果货物保险是在一定的船舶才有效,其后船舶变更仅在保险人同意下方可,即便货物可能已被装载于船身更佳的部位亦然。如果保险单被用于可选择的货物保险,可能会出现海外船舶的名称,但是当经纪人,如通常的那样,为其他船舶在承保条上规定条款,若该承保的货物装上一艘不同的船舶,此条款也应体现于清单或通过批注并入。下述用语可能出现于清单中“船舶”一栏。“运载工具,ABLE BAKER和/或蒸汽船和/或多艘蒸汽船---按约定的附加保险费,同意或获得承保---及任何运载工具.”(Conveyances, ABLE BAKER and/or steamer and /or steamers---approved or held covered at additional premium to be agreed---and any conveyances.)若保险单是预约或流动保险单(open or floating policy) (floating policy指旨在为财产提供特殊保险且仅当后者停止承保风险时,贴附的保险单,此种保险单的目的在于为财产提供赔偿,由于该财产时常改变其位置或数量,其无法由特定保险承保.译者注.)只需填入承保条即可,诸如,“船舶和/或多艘船舶,按约定的保险费告知同意或获得承保”.(Vessel and/or vessels etc.to be advised as approved or held covered at a premium to be agreed.)将船舶留待随后的声明指定.
58 59 “Where, by a peril insured against, the voyage is interrupted at an intermediate port or place, under such circumstances as, apart from any special stipulation in the contract of affreightment, to justify the master in landing and re-shipping the goods or other moveables, or in transhipping them, and sending them on to their destination, the liability of the insurer continues notwithstanding the landing or transhipment.”
“This insurance shall remain in force (subject to termination as provided for above and to the provisions of Clause 9 below)during delay beyond the control of the Assured, any deviation, forced discharge, reshipment or transhipment and druing any variation of the adventure arising from the exercise of a liberty granted to shipowners or charterers under the contract of affreightment.”
(在超出被保险人所能控制的延迟,任何绕航,强制卸货,重装或转运期间,及船东或承租人行使根据运输合同赋予的自由引起的该海上冒险的任何变更期间,本保险继续有效.(但须受上述终止条款及下述第9条规定的制约).货物保险的一个通常特征乃是1992年4月13日之协会分类保险条款(Institute Classification Clause)可以通过1982年4月1日之协会货物合同标准条件(Institute Standard Conditions for Cargo Contracts)第6条并入不订明条件的合同(open contract)并明确规定可用于装运的船舶类型.
货物历来是按航次承保,同时与一定的储存期间联系在一起。当货物按某一特定航次承保时,该保险(与船舶保险不同,即便是按特定航次投保的)是对“海上冒险”承保,亦即,承保该航次以及货物本身。 (the insurance is on the “adventure”,that is to say the voyage as well as the goods themselves.)