对保险标的拥有部分利益者拥有保险利益,例如,对某一包件货物有不可分割的利益。 对保险标的有可撤消的或不确定的利益者 (a defeasible or contingent interest)也具有可保利益。 例如,已装船货物的买方及取得已装船货物者。
在Anderson v.Morice案中 ,买方为大米船货办理了保险,根据买卖合同条款,货物所有权直至全部货物装船后才能移转。大米在仅装船3/4时灭失,法院判决买方没有可保利益。然而,在Colonial Insurance Company v.Adelaide Marine Insurance Company案中 ,买卖合同规定当小麦船货装上船后风险即转归买方,每一包小麦在装上船那一刻起即已承保。
作为委托给他的财产的受托人,已对有关海上财产预付钱款的代理人对该海上财产具有保险利益. 船舶的股东就有关他占有的股份具有对船舶的可保利益,对财产拥有留置权的人,在其金额价值范围内,对该财产拥有部分可保利益.
保险利益的其他例子,有船长或船员就有关他们的工资, 风险运费 及保险费。 某些第三人已同意若保险财产发生灭失向该财产所有人赔偿的事实,并不影响该所有人对该财产,投保全额保险的权利。
何时应具有利益。(Time when interest must attach) 1906年《海上
“The assured must be interested in the subject-matter insurded at the time of loss though he need not be interseted when the insurance is effected.”(虽然投保时被保险人无需对保险标的具有利益,但在保险标的灭失时,他必须对其具有利益。)
“Where the assured has no interest at the time of the loss, he cannot acquire interest by any act or election aftr he is aware of the loss.”(如果被保险人在灭损当时不具有利益,他不能在他知晓该灭损后,通过任何行为或选择而获取利益。)
在保险合同订立当时,必须具有期望中的真实的利益,而不仅仅是预期的或希望的某种利益。仅是预期或希望被雇用作为船舶的管理人,在不存在合同的情况下,已被判定不足以构成对经纪人的佣金及回扣的可保利益。 在保险单格式清单中通常有必要列明多个当事人作为对保险标的他们各自权利和利益的被保险人。
海上保险单除非含有禁止转让的规定得自由转让。 一份海上保险合同与被保险财产并不具有自然联系。不过,光是被保险人通过买卖或其他方式转让或处分他的保险财产的利益的事实本身,而没有此种效果的明示或默示协议,并不具有同时转让其保险单项下权利的效果。换言之,保险单的保护并不必然随着保险财产的转让而移转。
“Where the assured assigns or otherwise parts with his interest in the subject-matter insured, he does not thereby transfer to the assignee
his rights under the contract of insurancce , unless there be an express or implied agreement with the assignee to that effect.But the pronisinons of this section do not affect a transmission of interest by operation of law.”(被保险人若转让或以其他方式放弃其保险标的利益,他并不因此将其保险合同下的权利转让给受让人,除非与受让人订有转让保险权益的明示或默示协议。但本条规定不影响因实施法律而发生的利益转让。)
除了在保赔保险领域,当今使用的标准英语格式海上保险单,禁止转让的条款相当罕见。然而,如在本章后段所示,协会船舶定期保险条款长期以来含有一条款规定,未经保险人同意,因船船所有人,管理人或船级变更,而转让船舶保险单无效。一份未来保险单(future insurance policy)及根据此种未来保险单提出的任何索赔均不能成为合法转让的标的物。船舶融资的安排通常不仅包括转让现存的保险单,而且转让未来的保险单。正如已经确立的那样,对于转让时不存在的诉讼上的财产(chose in action)不存在合法的转让,假如有对价的话,受让人不能依赖有关仍不起作用的保险单的合同安排且会不得不求助于一种衡平转让协议。
“50(1)A marine policy is assignable unless it contains terms expressly prohibiting assignment.It may be assigned either before or after loss.
(2)Where a marine policy has been assigned so as to pass the beneficial interest in such policy , the assignee of the policy is entitled to sue thereon in his own name;and the defendant is entitled to make any defence arising out of the contract which he would have been entitled to make if the action had been brought in the name of the person by or on behalf of whom the policy was effected.
(3)A marine policy may be assigned by endorsement thereon or in any other customary manner.”(50(1)、除非海上保险单中含有明示禁止转让的条款,它可以在损失发生前或发生后转让。(2)海上保险单转让后,其利益随同该保险单一并转移。保险单的受让人有权以他自已的名义诉讼,被告有权援用该合同的任何抗辩,正如诉讼是由订立保险单的人或代表他提起,因而他本应有权抗辩一样。(3)海上保险单可以通过背书或以任何其他习惯方式转让。)
“Assignment.No assignment of or intrest in this insurance or in any monies which may be or become payable hereunder is to be binding on or recognised by the Underwriters unless a dated notice of such assignment or interest signed by the Assured , and by the assignor in the case of subsequent assingnmet , is endorsed on the Policy and the Policy with such endorsement is produced before payment of any claim or return of premiun thereunder.”(本保险利益或依本保险得付或应付的任何款项的转让,除非经被保险人,及在随后转让的情况下,经受让人,将此种转让日期通知背书于保险单,并在支付任何赔偿或退还保险费前,将经此种背书的保险单提交给保险人,不得约束保险人或为该保险人承认。)