
  (2) 协会恶意损害保险条款1/8/82.
  该补充条款的第1条重新采用根据旧的协会货物(W.A)保险条款(受制于备忘录条款中的免赔率)被保险人获得承保的灭失或损害原因。这是一种因“海上危险”造成的损害,也即,恶劣天气(heavy weather)在该条中称作“stress of weather”.因此,当货物适当地积载于载运船舶或驳船上,在恶劣天气中,由于船舶或驳船的猛烈运动,打乱该积载遭受灭失或损害,保险人即应负责赔偿。
  2 协会F.O.S.F.A(2号)补充保险条款(与协会F.O.S.F.A贸易保险(C)条款一起使用)(Institute F.O.S.F.A.Supplementary Clause(2))
  It is hereby agreed that this insurance shall also include
   1 Total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading on to, or unloading from, vessel or craft, subject always to the exclusions contained in this insurance.
   2 Washing overboard of Containers, subject always to the exclusions contained in this insurance.
   3 Institute Malicious Damage Clause 1/8/82.
  (1) 装上或卸离船舶或驳船过程中掉落或从船上坠入水中而发生的任何包件的全损,但仍须受本保险所含的除外责任的制约。
  (2) 集装箱被浪击落水,但仍须受本保险所含的除外责任的制约。
  (3) 协会恶意损害保险条款1/8/82
  3 协会F.O.S.F.A(3号)补充保险条款-船舶驾驶与管理(与协会F.O.S.F.A贸易保险(B)和(C)条款一道使用)(Institute F.O.S.F.A Supplementary Clause(3)Ship Navigation & Management)
  In consideration of an additional premium, it is hereby agreed that this insurance covers, subject always to the exclusions contained in this insurance, loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured, whilst on the ship, caused by error, neglect or default of the carrier or his servants in the navigation or management of the ship, for which they are relieved from liability under the contract of carriage.
  “2 Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from-
  (a) Act, neglect or default of the Master, mariners, pilot or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship:”
  “2 承运人或船舶对下列原因引起的灭失或损害慨不负责”
  4、协会F.O.S.F.A(4号)补充保险条款:等级条款(与协会F.O.S.F.A贸易保险条款一起使用)(Institute F.O.S.F.A Supplementary Clause(4):Grade Clause)
  Held covered at a premium to be arranged in event of omission or error in description of grade, quality &/or other technical charteristics of the insured commodity, as named in the relevant FOSFA contract.
  如果被保险人在相关的F.O.S.F.A合同条款中,对保险标的作了任何“无辜误述”(innocent misdescription).如上对协会货物保险条款第10条所作的解释,这项让步在先前的几乎所有的格式货物保险条款中均可获承保,自1982年1月1日颁布新协会保险条款以来,已从标准海上货物格式保险条款中删除。
  (九)协会冻肉保险条款(Institute Frozen Meat Clauses(1/1/86)
  协会冻肉保险(A)条款(Institute Frozen Meat Clauses(A))
  协会冻肉保险(A)条款24小时故障(Institute Frozen Meat Clauses(A)-24Hours Breakdown)
  协会冻肉保险(C)条款及24小时故障(Institute Frozen Meat Clauses(C)and 24 Hours Breakdown)
  第1 条 承保风险(Risks Covered)
  1 This insurance covers, except as provided in Clause 4,5,6 and 7 below,
  1.1 all risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured, other than loss or damage resulting from any variation in temperature howsoever cause,
  1.2 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured resulting from any variation in temperature attributable to
  1.2.1 breakdown of refrigerating machinery resulting in its stoppage for a period of not less than 24 consecutive hours
  1.2.2 fire or explosion
  1.2.3 vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized
  1.2.4 overturning or derailment of land conveyance
  1.2.5 collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than water
  1.2.6 discharge of cargo at a port of distress
  1 本保险承保,除下述第4,5,6和7条规定者外的
  1.1 除了任何原因引起的温度变化造成的灭失或损害之外的,保险标的的灭失损害的一切风险。
  1.2 任何温度变化引起的保险标的的损失或损害,其可归因于
  1.2.1 制冷机器故障造成停机连续24小时以上
  1.2.2 火灾或爆炸
  1.2.3 船舶或驳船搁浅、擦浅、沉没或倾覆
  1.2.4 陆上运输工具翻倒或出轨
  1.2.5 船舶、驳船、运输工具与水以外的任何外部物体碰撞或触碰
  1.2.6 在避难港卸货
  1 This insurance covers, except as provided in Clause 4,5,6 and 7 below,
  1.1 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured attributable to
  1.1.1 fire or explosion
  1.1.2 vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized
  1.1.3 overturning or derailment of land conveyance
  1.1.4 collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than water
  1.1.5 discharge of cargo at a port of distress
  1.1.6 breakdown of refrigerating machinery resulting in its stoppage for a period of not less than 24 consecutive hours
  1.2 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by
  1.1.1 general average sacrifice
  1.1.2 jettison.
  1 本保险承保除下列第4,5,6和7条规定者外的
  1.1 可归因于下列原因的保险标的的灭失或损害
  1.1.1 火灾或爆炸
  1.1.2 船舶或驳船搁浅、擦浅、沉没或倾覆
  1.1.3 陆上运输工具的翻倒或出轨
  1.1.4 船舶、驳船、运输工具与水以外的任何外部物体碰撞或触碰
  1.1.5 在避难港卸货
  1.1.6 制冷机器故障造成停机连续24小时以上
  1.2 由于下列原因造成保险标的的灭失或损害
  1.2.1 共同海损牺牲
  1.2.2 抛弃
  第4条 除外条款(Exclusions)
  在(A)条款中,4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 和4.7 除外责任与协会货物保险(A)条款相同。
  4.4 除外-“固有缺陷”除外,将本保险有效期间由于温度变化引起的灭失、损害或费用作为例外。
  4.8 除外是一切险保险条款中所没有的附加除外:它规定:
  “loss damage or expense arising from any failure of the assured or their servants to take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the subject-matter insured is kept in refrigerated or, where appropriate, properly insulated and cooled space.”

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