

On the legal applications of “administrative behavior cannot being revocable ”


Judicial Explanation of Administrative Litigation Law of the Peoples Republic of China which issued for enforcement in the year of 2000 has played an important role in the practice of administrative litigation. But there are also some drawbacks in this act, which are especially reflected on the problems of the Article No.57 and the Article No.58,and had been also focused in “The First Case on the Discrimination to HBV carrier” in China in 2004. To sum up the solutions from four conditions (which includes “damage cannot being eliminated”, ”reliance interest should be protected”, ”administrative behavior had been finished”, “(revocation) can lead huge damage”) to administrative behavior cannot being revocable, will maybe the key to solve these problems.
administrative behavior,cannot being revocable, the Principle of Reliance Protection, The First Case on the Discrimination to HBV carrier
  在2004年备受国人瞩目的中国“乙肝歧视第一案”(“松月案”)一审判决书中,芜湖市新芜区人民法院以“2003年安徽省国家公务员招考工作已结束,且张先著报考的职位已由该专业考试成绩第二名的考生进入该职位”为由,对芜湖市人事局不准许原告进入考核程序的具体行政行为作出了“不具有可撤销内容”的法律认定,并据此作出了确认该被诉具体行政行为违法的判决,驳回了原告的诉讼请求。[1] 可见,本案争议的焦点在于对被诉具体行政行为是否具有可撤销内容的法律认定上。何谓“不具有可撤销内容”的行政行为?什么样的行政行为是“不具有可撤销内容”的行政行为?这些问题在最高人民法院《关于执行<中华人民共和国行政诉讼法>若干问题的解释》中都不能得出明确的答案,也让笔者陷入了深深的思考。

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