It is indeed that prevention is always the number one policy the Chinese leader and the Chinese government will think to take.A good example is made by Premier Minister,Mr.Zhu Rongji,in the first meeting he presided in the State Council.He required in that meeting that the leading members of the State Council should abide by five rules.The first one is to firmly keep it in the mind that they are the servant of the people;the second one is to scrupulously perform their duties;the third one is to be strict in the administrafive activities;the fourth one is to be upright and honest in performing their official duties;and the last one is to work hard. If a leader wants to strenthen others in discipline,he should discipline himself.The new Chinese leaders provided the country a good model to follow in keeping the disciplines,the officials in lower levels will respond actively.
Actually,the important measures taken in the proceeding of Chinese economic and political reforms are also the measures to prevent and control corruption.At present time,Chinese government,under the premises of ensuring the economic growth,controlling the inflation and keeping the stability of the exchange rate of Ren Min Bi,will reinforce the reform of Chinese economic structure,carry forward the comprehensive reform of the state-owned enterprises,of the financial structure and of the governmental organs.Through the reforms,the function of the government will be transformed according to the requirement of the socialist market economy,so that enterprises will be able to separate themselves from government,the managerial power will give back to enterprises and an efficient and coordinate structure of administration will be established.When this goal realized,the current comprehensive economic administrative department will change to the macro-coordination department and the supervision of the law enforcement will then be reinforced.In conclusion,the direct relations between the government organs and the economic entities will be severed,the channel to deal between the power and the money will be blocked up.In addition,the mechanism of keeping the govenunent honest and clean will be cultivated.As Marxism mentioned before,the conduct of violation is usually caused by the economic elements which is out of the intention of the lawmakers.The reforms carried out in China are to provide not only the Chinese economy and society a better environment to develop but also the fundamental ways to prevent and control corruption.
In accordance with the comprehensive measures to prevent and control corruption,three steps should be comprehensively taken,i.e.,prevent crime before it happens,halt crime when it commits and punish crime after it happened.
In the first step to prevent crime before it happens,the concrete measure we have taken in China are the followings: