结 语
On the System of the Administrative Files
(Law school of Xiangtan University, Xiangtan Hunan411105)
Abstract: The traditional constitution is managed because of expansion without restraint of administrative power crisis-riddenly, but it is also transformed because of administrative procedure building and constructing governed by law. It wants justice to be only to participate in through public democracy, and has joined mechanism of contending with the right course in the administration. During that time, hearing right played an important and irreplaceable role. If the country wants to guarantee the realization of the relative people''s hearing with significant right, must set up and perfect the system of the administrative files. Because of administrative files with public, authenticity, getting close and exclusiveness etc. characteristic their system, form effective restriction of administrative power. Our country is devoted to construction of the legal system of the administrative procedure, should establish the idea of the files timely, and establish the system of the files.
Key words: procedural justice; rights of hearing; administrative files
【注释】 Bernard Schwartz, Administrative law, Little, Browand Company, 1976, P.32.