第15(a)(2)规定,SEC可以从保护投资者维护公众利益的前提出发,来附条件或不附条件得决定哪些经纪人或交易商可以免除上述注册登记义务。第15(b)(1)规定,经纪人或交易商要在提交的注册申请表格中提供有关经纪人或交易商或与他们有关的人的信息和文件,以便SEC根据规则来指示该经纪人或交易商是否必要或适宜为了保护投资者维护公众利益而享有注册登记的资格。(A broker or dealer may be registered by filing with the Commission an application for registration in such form and containing such information and documents concerning such broker or dealer and any persons associated with such broker or dealer as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors.)通常,SEC会在接到申请的45天内决定给予注册登记或者启动程序来研究拒绝注册登记申请的具体理由。
2.成为自律监管机构(SRO)成员或者(大多数情况下)成为证券投资者保护公司成员( become a member of an SRO and (in most cases) the Securities Investor Protection Corporation)
在美国,自律监管机构SRO(Self-Regulatory-Organization)通常指全国性的证券交易所和美国全国证券商协会NASD(National Association of Securities Dealers-NASD)。这些组织对自己的全员要求很严格。它们不但要求会员按照证券管理委员会的法令进行商业活动,还依据各自的业务特点,制定了比证券管理委员会更严格的款项来约束会员中可能出现的欺骗行为。
如果经纪人或交易商只是在一个全国性证券交易所从事交易活动,仅需要在那一个交易所注册登记。如果经纪人或交易商从事柜台交易(over-the-counter transaction),则必须是NASD的成员。如果经纪人或交易商同时在交易所和柜台市场交易,则必须同时成为交易所和NASD的成员
每个注册登记的经纪人或交易商必须成为证券投资者保护公司(Securities Investor Protection Corporation,简称SIPC)成员,除非其主要业务在美国之外发生或者完全是销售投资公司股份、可变养老年金或保险。每个成员要向SIPC交年费。(Every registered broker-dealer must be a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, or SIPC, unless its principal business is conducted outside of the United States or consists exclusively of the sale or distribution of investment company shares, variable annuities, or insurance. Each SIPC member must pay an annual fee to SIPC.)
3.符合各州州法的注册登记要求(it complies with state requirements)
25210条(a)规定,除获得第一章该款豁免,任何经纪人、交易商在本州进行或诱使或企图诱使任何证券的买卖交易都是无效的。除非该经纪人或交易商已经向本州证监会委员申请并获得授权从事该交易的生效的营业证书。(Unless exempted under the provision of Chapter 1 of this part, no broker-dealer shall effect any transaction in, or induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security in this state unless the broker-dealer has first applied for and secured from the commissioner a certificate, then in effect, authorizing that person to act in that capacity.)