“投资银行”即,“投资银行”是指从事他人发行证券的承销业务的任何人,但不包括投资公司、非日常业务而在单独的交易中担任承销商的任何人或者从事实推断某些只为一家或多家投资公司承销证券的任何人。("Investment banker" means any person engaged in the business of underwriting securities issued by other persons, but does not include an investment company, any person who acts as an underwriter in isolated transactions but not as a part of a regular business, or any person solely by reason of the fact that such person is an underwriter for one or more investment companies.)而“人”(person)是可以指自然人或者公司("Person" means a natural person or a company.)可见,这个定义是“狭义”的,仅仅涉及到“投资银行”在一级市场的“承销”业务;从主体资格上看,又是广义的,不仅仅指自然人,也可以是公司,不仅仅指银行,可以是任何公司或自然人。
相比之下,美国学理上对“投资银行”的定义要广泛得多。通常指“为公司或市政机构发行证券作承销商或代理人的个人或机构” (An individual or institution which acts as an underwriter or agent for corporations and municipalities issuing securities),“但通常会从事经纪人或交易商的运作,为先前发行的证券创造一个流动性较强的二级市场,并维持市场价格的稳定,同时为投资者提供投资意见”,(Most also maintain broker/dealer operations, maintain markets for previously issued securities, and offer advisory services to investors)“投资银行在收购兼并、私募发行、公司重组中起到很大作用”,( investment banks also have a large role in facilitating mergers and acquisitions, private equity placements and corporate restructuring),“投资银行不象传统银行那样面向个人接受存款发放贷款”(Unlike traditional banks, investment banks do not accept deposits from and provide loans to individuals. also called investment banker.)。
(一) 银行法的有关规定
1933年美国颁布的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass Steagall Act of 1933)三个主要部分之一便是规定商业银行(从事吸取和贷款业务)和投资银行(承销和发行证券)实行严格的分业经营,使真正意义上的投资银行出现了。该法第20条、第32条等条款规定如下。