
  9.2 Where this insurance is on Increased Value the following clause shall
  The agreed value of the cargo shall be deemed to be equal to the total amount insured under the primary insurance and all Increased Value insurance covering the loss and effected on the cargo by the Assured, and liability under this insurance shall be in such proportion as the sum insured herein bears to such total amount insured.
  In the event of claim the Assured shall provide the Underwriters with evidence of the amours insured under all other insurance.
 9.1 如果被保险人对保险货物投保了增加价值保险,货物的约定价值应视为增加至承保损失的本保险和所有增加价值保险的保险金额的总和,本保险项下的责任应按本保险金额占此种保险金额总和的比例计算。
 9.2 如果本保险是增加价值保险,应适用下述条款:
  第10条 不生效条款(Not to Inure Clause)
  10 This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.
   10 承运人或其他保管人不得主张本保险的利益。(Inure means to have effect.)
  第11条 被保险人的义务条款(Duty of Assured Clause)
  11  It is the duty to the Assured and their servants and agents in respect of loss
   recoverable hereunder
  11.1 to take such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose of averting
  or minimising such loss, and
  11.2 to ensure that rights against carriers, bailees or other third parties are
  properly preserved and exercised
   and the Underwriters, will, in addition to any loss recoverable hereunder,
   reimburse the Assured for any charge properly and reasonably incurred in
   pursuance of these duties.

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