
  29.Id. at 185
  30.Id. at 159-226
  31.Cf. Stjepan G. Mestrovic, The Coming Fin de Siecle: An Application of Durkheim’s Sociology to Modernity and post-modernity, London & New York: Routledge, 1991, p. 29.
  32.Niklas Luhmann, A Sociological Theory of Law, London: Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1985, pp.199, 203-205.
  33.Cf. Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, UK: Manchester University press, 1984, pp. 46, 97.
  34.Niklas Luhmann, A Sociological Theory of Law, London: Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1985, pp. 200-201.
  35.Cf. Jean-Francois Lyotard, Supra, at 101, note 215.
  37.Jean-Francois Lyotard, supra, at 65-66
  39.参见盛宁:《人文困惑与反思:西方后现代主义思潮批判》,三联书店,1997, 第111-114页。
  40.Cf. Eva M.Knodt, “Foreword”, in Niklas Luhmann, Social Systems. Stanford:Stanford University Press, 1995, pp.xiv-xv.
  42.Niklas Luhmann, Essays on Self-reference, New York:Columbia University Press, 1990, p. 125.
  43.Id. at 178-9. See also Niklas Luhmann, A Sociological Theory of Law, London: Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1985, pp. 255-262
  44.Niklas Luhmann, Observations on Modernity, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998, p. ix, 18.
  45.Id. at 70-71
  46.Id. at 67
  47.Id. at iv.
  48.Niklas Luhmann, Essays on Self-reference, New York: Columbia University Press, 1990, p. 187.
  49.Id. at 145
  50.Cf. William M.Evan, Social Structure and Law, Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1990, p. 39.
  51.Id. at 40
  53.Niklas Lumann, “The Unity of Legal System,” supra, at 20.
  54.Cf. Gerald Turkel, Law and Society: Critical Approaches, Needham Heights: Allyn&bacon, 1996. p.133-135.
  55.Niklas Luhmann, “Closeness and Openness: On Reality in the world of law”, in gunther Teubner(ed), autopoietic law—a new approach to law and society, belin:walter de Gruyter, 1987, p 336.
  56.Gunther teubner(ed.), autopoietic law—a new approach to law and society, berlin:walter de gruyter, 1987, p.2
  57.Niklas lumann, “the unity of legal system,” supra, at 21.
  58.Id. at 14.
  60.Niklas Lumann, “The Unity of Legal System,” supra, at 23
  61.Niklas Luhmann, “the self-reproduction of law and its limits.” In Essays on Self-reference, new york: Columbia university press, 1990, p.228
  62.Niklas Luhmann, “closeness and openness: on reality in the world of law,” supra, at 345.
  63.Id at 335
  64.niklas luhmann, “the self-reproduction of law and its limits,” supra, at 233
  65.niklas lumann, “the unity of legal system,” supra, at 24; see also niklas luhmann, “the self-reproduction of law and its limits,” supra, at 234-238.
  66.Niklas Luhmann, “the self-reproduction of law and its limits.” Supra, at 229.
  68.图依布纳(gunther teubner)认为,自我塑成是“对法律的独立自治的更加缴进和精确的界定”,是“独立自治在功能上的更高水平”。Cf gunther teubner(ed) autopoietic law ---a new approach to law and society, berlin: walter de gruyter, 1987, p. 206
  69.roger cotterrell, law’s community, new york: oxford university press, 1995, p.289-290
  70.niklas luhmann, a sociological theory of law, London:routledge&kegan paul, 1985,p.174.
  71.Id at 187
  72.1970年代早期,卢曼与哈贝马斯有一场为世人广泛关注的争论。一如他们在1971年共同出版的《社会理论还是社会工艺学:系统研究完成了些什么?》一书的标题所示,在这场争论中,法兰克福和比勒弗尔德构成了两极,表现出新左派与“反启蒙”(counter-Enlightenment)的新保守倾向之间的对立。哈贝马斯坚持维护启蒙传统,指责卢曼的技术功能主义消弱了批判的可能性和解放的政治;而卢曼则批评哈贝马斯的共识取向的话语伦理学是对高度分化的后工业社会中所出现的复杂问题的一种毫无希望的不当回应。此外一种资产阶级意识形态观点而被消除。Cf. Eva M.knodt, “Foreword”, in Niklas Luhmann, Social systems. Stanford:Stanford university press, 1995, pp.xiv

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