与之相反的概念是紧急避险不当improper act of rescue improper。
金山词霸中关于Act of rescue的例句:
With the brave act for a just cause as an act in law, the actor will suerly be of unaccountability, justice and legal characteristics of immediately-faced dangers of giant personal harm, fighting against breach of law and rescue and relief work.
译文:见义勇为是一种在法律上有正当理由的行为,其行为人一般具有非义务性、正义性、合法性的特点,面临有人遭受重大损害的危险时实施了同违法犯罪作斗争或抢险救灾的行为(金山词霸例句翻译:见义勇为作为一种法律行为 ,其行为人应具有非义务性、正义性、直接面临本人遭受重大损害的危险和实施了同违法犯罪作斗争或抢险救灾的行为的法律特征)。
第三种:special emergency avoidance 特殊紧急避险。avoidance,回避,避开,避免。
例句:While special emergency avoidance, obeying the regularity-from generalization to specialization, differs them in its special situations and special manners in dealing with avoiding sudden dangerous cases.
第四种:inculpatory act of rescue 攻击性紧急避险,责难性的救助行为。inculpatory,使人负罪的,责难的。
例句:The inculpatory act of rescue, which is one kind type of the private strength relief, not only has the vital significance in the real life, but also is an important legal regime.