
【注释】“A revolution is a rapid ,fundamental,and violent domesticchange in the dominant values and myths of a society,in its politicalinstitutions,social structure ,leadership ,and government activitiesand policies.Revolution are thus to be distinguished from insurrections,revolts ,coups and wars of independence.”Samuel Huntington ,1968,264.
“Social revolution ”can be defined as “rapid ,basic transformationsof a society‘s state and class structures,accompanied and in part accomplishedthrough popular revolts from below.”Theda Skocpol ,1979,4.
“Revolutions are the festivals of the oppressed and the exploited.At no other time are the masses of the people in a position to come forwardso actively as creators of a new social order.”Lenin
“Revolutions are not made,they come.A revolution is as naturalas a growth as an oak.It comes out of the past.Its foundations are laidfar back……”Wendell Phillips
有关革命研究的最完整的工具书是Goldstone ,(1988)(Ed.),TheEncyclopedia of Political Revolutions.这本“政治革命百科全书”包括了重要的革命事件介绍,与革命相关的重要的历史人物、重要的意识形态观点以及文献和研究成果。
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