

On Rule of Law——Corporate Governance Structure


【摘要】公司法人治理结构,是现代公司制度的核心所在,其在公司法上主要指有关公司机关的权力分配与行使诸问题的制度安排。针对目前公司治理结构存在的实践缺陷和理论误区,本文提出法治化是其实现公平、高效的现实选择。建立法治化的公司治理结构,是一项复杂的系统工程。它应当由包括主体、法制、监督、文化、辅助等子系统组成。(Abstract:Corporate Governance Structure is the core of the modern company''s system. From where company law stands, it mainly refers to the issues such as how to assign and exercise the power between organs of company. By pointing out the defects and mistake ideas in the practice and theory existing in Corporate Governance Structure in China at present, the article come up with that the realistic choice, for company law, is to pursue the ideology of fairness and utility by rule of law. It is a complicated system to set up a Corporate Governance Structure by rule of law. It should be made up of a series of sub-systems coordinating together, specifically, the system of basic organs of a company; the system of effective supervision; the system of laws and regulations; the system of culture and the auxiliary system.)
【关键词】公司治理结构;法治化;主体系统;法制系统;监督系统;文化系统;辅助系统(Key words: Corporate Governance Structure; Rule of Law; the system of basic organs of a company; the system of effective supervision; the system of laws and regulations; the system of culture and the auxiliary system)
  公司治理结构(Corporate Governance Structure)是属于企业制度层面的内容,其核心在于企业通过权力制衡,监督管理者的绩效,保证股东和其他利益相关主体的权利。[1]公司治理的过程是以监督和控制企业管理为目的,从而实现更加高效的管理并提升股东权益。[2]斯坦福大学教授钱颖一在他的《中国的公司治理结构改革和融资改革》一文中提出:“在经济学家看来,公司治理结构是一套制度安排,用于支配若干在企业中有重大利害关系的团体——投资者、经理人员、职工之间的关系,并从这种联盟中实现经济利益。公司治理结构包括:①如何配置和行使控制权;②如何评价和监督董事会、经理人员和员工;③如何设计和实施激励机制。一般而言,良好的公司治理结构利用这些制度安排和互补性质,并选择一种结构来降低代理人成本。[3]

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