Application of law concerning the disputes of delivery of the goods without the original B/L
【摘要】在将无单放货定性为违约行为的前提下,以我国的国际私法规则为基础,论述了无单放货纠纷的法律适用问题 :无单放货纠纷首先应适用提单准据法,在提单准据法不能规范无单放货行为时,应根据最密切联系原则确定无单放货地的法律作为无单放货纠纷的准据法。同时也分析了外国的直接适用的法、无单放货地公法适用的可能性,并指出根据中国立法,不存在根据场所支配行为而确定无单放货行为适用行为地法的可能。
This paper,based on the rules of international private law in China,discusses the issues concerning application of law in the cases involving delivery of the goods without the original B/L,which legal nature is breach of contract.The applicable law of B/L should be applied first,if the applicable law of B/L can not regulate the disputes arising from delivery of the goods without the original B/L,according to the doctrine of the most significant relationship,the law of the place,where the goods had been released without the original B/L,should be apply. The paper also analyses the probability to apply the foreign Lois de Police,and the probability to apply the public law of the place where the goods has been released without the original B/L.Pursuant to the Chinese legislation,the paper points out it isimpossible to apply the local law of delivery of the goods.
B/L;delivery of goods without the original B/L;international private law;application of law
如何适用法律是审理无单放货案件的关键。《最高人民法院公报》2002年第 5期刊登了最高人民法院 ( 19 9 8)交提字第 3号民事判决书,最高人民法院认为,该案应适用美国法律而非中国法律,并最终根据美国的有关法律撤销一、二审判决,法律适用在审理无单放货案件中的重要性可见一斑。查有关资料,鲜有论文专题讨论无单放货的法律适用问题,本文拟以我国的涉外法律适用规则为基础,探讨题述问题,[1]以应实践之需。