
  On legal status and liability of the foreman in a chit(HeHui)
  Chen rongwen
  Abstract:chit is a kind of contract in terms of the legal characteristic, so, firstly, the chit foreman is one party of a contract or a series of connected contracts;secondly, owing to the inner character of the chit the foreman also is the initiator of the chit, the manager of the chit business, the bridge of the giving and reciving of the chit fund, and the nexus of the existence and continuance of the chit. Accordingly, the foreman must take charge of initiating the chit, making relevant registration and report, arranging the chit business, asking for the chit fund from the unprized, and safekeeping it for and handling it up to the prized, filling up the total fund,and be responsible for the insolvency of the chit,etc. or he should bear corresponding civil, administrative or criminal responsibility.
  Keywords: chit(HuHui), legal status of the chit foreman,liability of the chit foreman,legal responsibility of the chit foreman
【注释】  参见我国台湾地区1960年台上字第1635号判例。转引自曾隆兴.现代非典型契约论 .台湾三民书局股份有限公司,1988.15.
如,台湾地区最高法院1939年上字第1479号判决认为,“民间纠会集款,会员相互间彼此或不相知,诚恐会首及轮流得会之人将来不缴会款,致其他得会在后者无法取偿,每择有声望之人为庄首,使其保证会款必然照数收回。如有中途散局者,概由庄首负其全责。” 转引自曹竞辉.合会制度之研究 .台北:联经出版社,1980.169.
梅谦次郎.法典质疑录31号第189页、岡松叁太郎.内外论丛第1卷5号第166页。转引自曹竞辉.合会制度之研究 .台北:联经出版社,1980.78-79.
黄茂荣.法学方法与现代民法 .中国政法大学出版社,2001.529.

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