
  在制度完善方面,我国应借鉴外国的经验,并结合我国的现状,建立下列制度: 1,转基因生物监测制度。必须对我国境内所有转基因生物进行监测,以确保生物安全。2,转基因生物许可证制度。许可证制度是环境法中一项重要制度,是指凡是对环境有不良影响的各种规划、开发、建设项目、排污设施或经营活动,其建设者或经营者需事先申请,经主管部门审批,颁发许可证才能从事该项活动,由于转基因生物对人体健康、生态环境具有不确定性,可能造成不良影响,因此转基因生物科研或应用活动都要依法取得许可证。3,转基因专利技术。即赋予转基因专利拥有者在转基因应用领域的高度垄断,享有对转基因的独占权和专有权。其目的在于使研究者收回巨额投资,促进我国转基因生物研究的发展。4,转基因生物标示制度,按国际惯例,基因改造食品、植物的包装上必须有转基因标示,因而应扩大我国标示制度的适用范围,切实保障消费者的知情权。5,转基因生物安全评估制度。转基因生物及其产品必须经过我国相关部门的安全性评估,经我国批准的方能在我国种植和销售。
张式军,山东大学法学院, 山东济南。
【注释】In this assay, definitions of Genetically modified organisms and Safety of Genetically modified organisms are firstly clarified. The author differentiates the definition of Genetically modified organisms in biological area with the definition in legal area, then he poses that Safety of Genetically modified organisms means “the series of methods used to control the Genetically modified organisms and its related products during the procedure of research, development, production, transportation, sales and consumption, to prevent its endangerment to the environment and to human health, and to remedy harms and damages caused by Genetically modified organisms. Based on these premises, the author analyzes bad effects caused by Genetically modified organisms to the natural biological environment, human health and human social order, etc. The existence of Genetically modified organisms may threaten or even destroy the quality of the environment, the biological system or biological balance. The Abstraction and Accession of gene may add and accumulate the poison elements already existing in foods in addition to the gain of some designed effects. Its existence has also aroused new discrimination between races and genders, as well as the productization of human bodies, offences to human dignities and some other ethical and moral issues. To some serious degree, it can even cause new social ethical and moral risks, economic risks and social turbulence. Genetic arms would bring new army competitions, which would endanger the nation’s safety. The possibility of improving human beings using Genetically modified organisms technology may also cause racial discriminations and racial depopulation.

After discussing all the above, the author demonstrates the necessity to regulate Genetically modified organisms in the aspect of law, and he also discusses the legal basis to legally regulate Genetically modified organisms from the angles of the difference between law and other social regulations, the value of laws and human rights. The inherent defects of moral and religion regulations lead to the unique characteristic of legal regulations, which is based on the enforcement by the nation and also ensures the proper order of the whole transgenesis market. The spread out of Genetically modified organisms, the pollutions of gene food and sharp decrease of biodiversity have all endangered the safety of individuals as well as influenced the whole human society.

To some degree, to legally regulate Genetically modified organisms accords with the legal safety value. The laws currently regulating Genetically modified organisms, however, have just ignored the public’s environmental right to know and to choose. Thus it is badly needed to regulate the Genetically modified organisms。

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