详见王利明:《侵权行为法归责原则研究》,第4章“过错与违法行为”。 详见张新宝:《中国侵权行为法》(第二版),中国社会科学出版社1998年版,第四章“加害行为的违法性”;杨立新:《侵权法论》,吉林人民出版社1998年版,第177页以下;黄海峰:《违法性、过错与侵权责任的成立》,载《民商法论丛》(总第17卷),金桥文化出版(香港)有限公司2000年版。 转引自王卫国:《过错责任原则:第三次勃兴》,第66页。 Francesco Parisi , Liability for Negligence and Judicial Discretion , 2nd.ed. University of California at Berkeley, 1992., at 158-159. Ibid , at 159. 克里斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上册),张新宝译,法律出版社2002年版,第18页。 王泽鉴:《侵权行为法》(第一册),第45页。 Francesco Parisi , Liability for Negligence and Judicial Discretion ,at 160. Ibid , at 161. Ibid , at 166. Ibid , at 167. A.T. von Mehren & J.R. Gordley, The Civil Law System , cit. , at577,转引自Francesco Parisi , Liability for Negligence and Judicial Discretion , at 168. 曾世雄:《损害赔偿法原理》,第74页。 F.H. Lawson & B.S. Markesinis ,Tortious Liability for Unintentional Harm in the Common Law and the Civil Law , Cambridge University Press,1980., at 98. Francesco Parisi , Liability for Negligence and Judicial Discretion , at 171. Ibid ,at 171. F.H. Lawson & B.S. Markesinis ,Tortious Liability for Unintentional Harm in the Common Law and the Civil Law , at 98. Jean Limpens , International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law ·Torts Vol.Ⅺ Chapter 2 “Liability for One’s Act ”, at 43. 曾世雄:《损害赔偿法原理》,第74页。 曾世雄:《损害赔偿法原理》,第74-75页。 B.S. Markesinis, The German Law of Obligations Volume Ⅱ The Law of Torts: A Comparative Introduction , 3rd . ed. , Clarendon Press Oxford ,1997. , at 68. Jean Limpens , International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law ·Torts Vol.Ⅺ Chapter 2 Liability for One’s Act , at 15. Ibid, at 15. Francesco Parisi , Liability for Negligence and Judicial Discretion , at 190. 王泽鉴:《侵权行为法》(第一册),第261页。 B.S.Markesinis & Hannes Unberath ,The German Law of Torts:A Comparative Treatise, 4th.ed. ,Hart Publishing, 2002., at 80. Ibid, at10. 另参见,王千维:《民事损害赔偿责任法上“违法性”问题初探》(上),载《政大法学评论》第66期,页11-18。 Ibid, at 69. 王泽鉴:《侵权行为法》(第一册),第262页。 B.S. Markesinis, The German Law of Obligations Volume Ⅱ The Law of Torts: A Comparative Introduction , at 70. Larenz / Canaris, Schuldrecht Ⅱ/ 2, S.365, 转引自王泽鉴:《侵权行为法》(第一册),第263页。另参见,Dieter Medicus, Bürgerliches Recht, 18., Aufl., Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln,1999, S.440-441. Karl Larenz, Lehrbuch des Schuldrechts ,Bd.Ⅱ,§72 Ⅰd. München 1977. Kötz, Deliktsrecht, at 99, 转引自B.S. Markesinis The German Law of Obligations Volume Ⅱ The Law of Torts: A Comparative Introduction ,at 70.