20.1.4 Anticipated Freight if the Vessel sails in ballast and not under Charter. A sum not exceeding the anticipated gross freight on next cargo passage, such sum to be reasonably estimated on the basis of the current rate of freight at time of insurance plus the charges of insurance. Any sum insured under 20.1.2 to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured.
20.1.5 Time Charter Hire or Charter Hire for Series of Voyages. A sum not exceeding 50% of the gross hire which is to be earned under the charter in a period not exceeding 18 months. Any sum insured under 20.1.2 to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured, which excess shall be reduced as the hire is advanced or earned under the charter by 50% of the gross amount so advanced or earned but the sum insured need not be reduced while the total of the sums insured under 20.1.2 and 20.15 does not exceed 50% of the gross hire still to be earned under the charter. An insurance under this Section may begin on the signing of the charter.
20.1.6 Premiums. A sum no exceeding the actual premiums of all interests insured for a period not exceeding 12 months (excluding premiums insured under the foregoing sections but including, if required, the premium or estimated calls on any Club or War etc. Risk insurance) reducing pro rata monthly.
20.1.7 Returns of Premium. A sum not exceeding the actual returns which are allowable under any insurance but which would not be recoverable thereunder in the event of a total loss of the Vessel whether by insured perils or otherwise.
20.1.8 Insurance irrespective of amount against: Any risks excluded by Clauses 21, 22, 23 and 24 below.
20.2 Warranted that no insurance on any interests enumerated in the foregoing 20.1.1 to 20.1.7 in excess of the amounts permitted therein and no other insurance which includes total loss of the Vessel P.P.I., F.I.A., or subject to any other like term, is or shall be effected to operate during the currency of this insurance by or for account of the Assured, Owners, Managers or Mortgagees. Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford the Underwriters any defence to a claim by a Mortgagee who has accepted this insurance without knowledge of such breach.
20. 船舶营运费用保证
20.1 允许下列各项附加保险:
20.1.1 营运费用、管理人和佣金、利润或船舶和机器的超价值或增价值:其金额不得超过载明保险价值的25%。
20.1.2 定期投保的运费、租船运费或预期运费:其金额不得超过载明保险价值的25%扣除第20.1.1项内已投保的保险金额。
20.1.3 航次合同下的运费或租金: 其金额不得超过本次及下次载货航程的毛运费或租金(如要求,本保险可以包括一个预备航次和一个中间空载航次在内)再加上保险费。对于定期支付运费的航次租船合同,可保金额应根据预计的租船期间计算,但须受上述两个载货航次的限制。根据第20.1.2项投保的保险金额应计入在内,可保金额仅限于其超额部分,且应从中扣除预收或赚取的总运费或租金。
20.1.4 船舶空载航行且未出租时的预期运费:其金额不得超过基于投保时运费率合理估算的下次载货航程的预计总运费,加上保险费。根据第20.1.2 项投保的金额应予考虑,仅其超额部分可以保险。
20.1.6 保险费。其金额不能超过逐月比例减少的任何保险利益投保不超过12个月的实际保险费(不包括上述各项所保的保险费,经要求可以包括任何保赔协会或战争等风险的保险费或估计的追加保险费)。
20.1.7 退还的保险费。其金额不得超过任何保险所允许的,但在保险船舶发生无论是否由承保风险所造成的全损时不予退回的实际退费。
20.1.8 不受保险金额限制的保险。下述第21条、22条、23条和24条除外的任何风险。
20.2 保证上述第20.1.1项至20.1.7项所列任何利益的保险不超过所允许的保险金额,并不得有由被保险人、船东、管理人或抵押权人或以其名义在本保险期内安排原或将安排的包括保险船舶的P.P.I., F.I.A.,或受任何其他类似条款制约的全损保险在内的其他保险。保险人不得以违反本保险为由,抗辩在接受本保险时不知道此项违反的抵押权人提出的索赔。
The following clauses shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith.
第21条 战争除外条款