
  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Hubei, Shandong, Henan, Jiangxi, Yunnan and Fujian Provinces.

  Species: Myrica rubar
  Scientific Name:Myrica rubar ‘Dongfangmingzhu’
  Category: Variety
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: GUO-S-SV-MR-017-2006

  Fruits are large and contain high content of juice, taste sour sweet, suitable for storage and transportation. Average fruit production during peak period is 1,200-2,000kg per mu. The average single-fruit weight is 25.9g with the heaviest of 57.5g. The trees can be planted in the poor soil with pH 4.5-5.0. In addition to being eaten fresh, the fruit can be processed into preserved fruit, fruit wine and fruit juice.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  Fertile and slightly acid soil is chosen for planting. Planting spacing is 5m by 5m. Big pits are dug for planting. Fertilization and irrigation management should be strengthened after planting. Trees pruned to form a round shape with a stem height of 35-40cm. Only large branches are pruned, with higher intensity at upper part and lower intensity at lower part during the peak period of fruiting. Large branches at the upper part should be cut off and the lower part is spreading outward.

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Low and moderately high mountain areas in Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian and Hunan Provinces.

  Species: Prunus persica
  Scientific Name:Prunus persica ‘Jinxiang’
  Category: Variety
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: GUO-S-SV-PP-18-2006

  Large fruit, golden yellow, tolerate to storage and transportation. Start to fruit three years after the planting. Fruit production during peak period is 1,500-2,000kg per mu. Average single fruit weight is 193-208g, with thick pulp, a small and glutinous kernel. In a pre ripe fruit, the soluble solid content is 9.5%-11% and 10%-13% in a ripe fruit. Soluble sugar content 10.2%, titratable acid 0.35%, vitamin C content 4.86mg/100g, and tannin content 0.13mg/100g. Besides being eaten fresh, Jinxiang can be processed to make canned food or juice. When making canned food, easy to be shaped, with clear juice and a color of the 7th grade of the color cards.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  Jinxiang has no pollen, therefore pollinator tree or artificial pollination needed. High bed and deep ditch prepared for planting. Young tree grows vigorously. Light pruning desirable, keeping an appropriate number of fruits. Better fruit shape and quality can be obtained by covering fruits with bags during the fruit growth.

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  In summer wet areas of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Hubei Provinces.

  Jialing 20
  Species: Morus alba
  Scientific Name:Morus alba ‘Jialing 20’
  Category: Clone
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: GUO-S-SC-MA-019-2006

  Artificial triploid, budding from early March in Chongqing area, multiple branches vertical, thick and long. One-year-old branch can grow over 4 meters. A one-meter branch has 32 leaves with a weight of 279g. 93 leaves weigh 1 kilogram. Leaf flesh is fat and thick and color is dark green. Leaf production is 3,000kg per mu. Protein content of (dry) mulberry leaves is 27.52 %, sugar content is 5.53%, strong drought resistance, and resistant to bacterial caused black wilt disease.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  Suitable for high-stocking or inter-cropping mulberry gardens or 4-side plantings in hill, mountain areas and valleys. Pruned to have desirable form with a low or intermediate stem. Pruning can be done in winter or in summer. Fertilization and irrigation management should be intensified and attention should be paid to mulberry red spiders control

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Mulberry distribution areas in Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hunan, Shangdong and Guizhou Provinces.

  Zhen’an 1
  Species: Castanea mollissima
  Scientific Name:Castanea mollissima ‘Zhen’an 1’
  Category: Variety
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: GUO-S-SV-CM-020-2006

  Male flowers are in full bloom on June 3 and female ones are in full bloom on June 5. Fruits ripe around September 15. Average single fruit weight is 13.15g. Longitudinal diameter of the chestnut is 2.72cm and the horizontal one is 3.15cm. The rate of seed-bearing is 35.3%. A 15-year-old tree produces 12kg fruits. Soluble sugar content 10%, protein content 3.68%, fat content 1.05% and vitamin C content 37.65%. Tolerant to drought, cold and infertile soils.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  In mountain areas, appropriate planting spacing is 3m by 4m. Tree form is better to be natural. Young trees are suitable to be inter-cropped with low crops such as beans. 1-2 varieties are mixed at planting. During flowering period, 0.3% boron fertilizer is sprayed. Fruit collection should be carried out at appropriate time and the all fruits should be cleared at the collection site.

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Shangluo, Hanzhong, Ankang and Baoji, Chang’an, Zhouzhi and Mei County at the northern slope of Qinling Mountain in Shaanxi Province, and also in areas of similar site conditions. Not suitable for slightly alkaline soil.

  Pre-certified Species

  Zhongshanshan 118
  Species: Taxodium distichum
  Scientific Name:(Taxodium distchum x T. mucronatum) x T. mucronatum ‘Zhongshanshan 118’
  Category: Clone
  Certification: Pre-certified (for 3 years)
  Registration code: GUO-R-SC-TD-001-2006

  Tall and straight in shape, straight and round trunk, tower-formed crown. Resistant to waterlog and saline (pH <8.5 and salt content <0.3%). Leaves do not turn yellow. In saline soil with pH 8.5 and the salt content is 0.1%, 11-year-old trees averaged 7.5 m in height and 21cm in DBH. In a plain wetland where pH=7.5 and the underground water level is 30-50cm, the average height of at 11-year-old trees is 7.1m and DBH 15.1cm. Strong adaptability. Wood quality is better than Pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens) and Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). Straight grain, fine texture, smooth cut surface, good for painting, rot-resistant, semi evergreen. Leaf color turns into yellow in winter, a good ornamental effect. Suitable for reforestation of saline land and for landscaping as an ornamental species.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  Plant trees immediately after being lifted from the nursery. Cut off the too long roots so that the root system can spread freely. Adequate irrigation applied at planting for roots settlement. Appropriately deep planting is desirable. If stocks larger than 2 meters in height are to be used for afforestation, it is necessary to prune branches so as to increase the survival rate. If the afforestation is being carried out at saline land, it is not appropriate to plant trees in big pits, in order to prevent the soil from being saline again which will affect the survival.

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