树种:油桃 学名: Prunus persica ‘Liyou 3’
类别:品种 通过类别:认定(3年)
树种:榛子 学名:Corylus heterophylla×C. avellana ‘Liaozhen 1’
类别:品种 通过类别:认定(3年)
要求土壤肥沃,pH 8.0以下,排水良好,亩栽55-88株,搭配授粉树,每年除萌蘖2-3次,加强肥水病管理。
树种:榛子 学名:Corylus heterophylla×C. avellana ‘Liaozhen 2’
类别:品种 通过类别:认定(3年)
要求土壤肥沃,pH 8.0以下,排水良好,亩栽55-88株,搭配授粉树,每年除萌蘖2-3次,加强肥水病管理。
注: 通过认定的林木良种,认定期满后不得作为良种继续使用,应重新进行林木良种审定。
Certified Species
Tower-formed Chinese white poplar CV-BJHRO1
Species: Populus tomentosa
Scientific Name: Populus tomentosa ‘BJHR01’
Category: Clone
Certification: Certified
Registration code: GUO-S-SC-PT-001-2006
Male trees, abortive anthers, no flying catkins. Average height 20.32m, average DBH 27.62 cm and average individual volume 0.4951m3 at 19 year-old in Beijing area, the volume is 1.41 times of the control (Chinese white poplar in Yi County). Wood basic density 0.409g/ cm3, fiber length 1,095μm. The wood is white with straight grains. No moist heart wood, wood turning does not cause rough surface. Up to 19 year-old, basically no blister canker occurred. Resistance to leaf rust and leaf spot diseases is more than 50% stronger than that of the Chinese white poplar in Yi County.
Silvicultural Techniques:
Trees planted at a spacing of 4m by 6m. Planting pits are dug according to the size of seedlings and an appropriate amount of base fertilizer is applied into the pits. Root system should be well maintained during lifting in the nursery. The length of the root system should be longer than 15 cm. Lateral and terminal branches and poor roots should be can be pruned as appropriate. The root system should be kept moist. Seedlings should be planted as soon as possible after lifting from nursery, no later than three days. Trees were irrigated immediately after planting. When buds appear, remove unnecessary ones to ensure a straight and round stem. The seedlings should not be planted near plants of mulberry family. Suitable for farmland shelterbelt forest, street and roadside trees.
Suitable Areas for Planting:
Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Central and southern part of Gansu Province and other areas with similar environmental conditions.
Tower-formed Chinese white poplar CV-BJHRO2
Species: Populus tomentosa
Scientific Name: Populus tomentosa ‘BJHR02’
Category: Clone
Certification: Certified
Registration code: GUO-S-SC-PT-002-2006
Male trees, abortive anthers, no flying catkins. Average height 20.06 m, average DBH 28.14 cm and average individual volume 0.5186 m3 at 19 year-old in Beijing area, the volume is 1.47 times of the control (Chinese white poplar in Yi County). Wood basic density 0.383g/cm3, fiber length 1,165 μm. The wood is white with straight grains. No moist heart wood, wood turning does not cause rough surface. Up to 19 year-old, basically no blister canker occurred. Trees are strongly resistant to leaf rust and leaf spot diseases and suitable for dense planting and ornamental purposes.
Silvicultural Techniques:
Trees planted at a spacing of 4m by 6m. Planting pits are dug according to the size of seedlings and an appropriate amount of base fertilizer is applied into the pits. Root system should be well maintained during lifting in the nursery. The length of the root system should be longer than 15 cm. Lateral and terminal branches and poor roots can be pruned as appropriate. The root system should be kept moist. Seedlings should be planted as soon as possible after lifting from nursery, no later than three days. Trees were irrigated immediately after planting. When buds appear, remove unnecessary ones to ensure a straight and round stem. The seedlings should not be planted near plants of mulberry family.
Suitable Areas for Planting:
Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Central and southern part of Gansu Province and other areas with similar environmental conditions.
Tower-formed Chinese white poplar CV-BJHRO3
Species: Populus tomentosa
Scientific Name: Populus tomentosa ‘BJHR03’
Category: Clone
Certification: Certified
Registration code: GUO-S-SC-PT-003-2006
Male trees, abortive anthers, no flying catkins. Average height 23.44m, average DBH 27.62cm and average individual volume 0.7437m3 at 19 year-old in Beijing area, the volume is 2.12 times of the control (Chinese white poplar in Yi County). Wood basic density 0.384g/ cm3, fiber length 1,452μm. The wood is white with straight grains. No moist heart wood, wood turning does not cause rough surface. Up to 19 year-old, basically no blister canker occurred. Trees are strongly resistant to leaf rust and leaf spot diseases and suitable for ornamental plantings in urban areas.