
  Silvicultural Techniques:
  Trees planted at a spacing of 4m by 6m. Planting pits are dug according to the size of seedlings and an appropriate amount of base fertilizer is applied into the pits. Root system should be well maintained during lifting in the nursery. The length of the root system should be longer than 15 cm. Lateral and terminal branches and poor roots can be pruned as appropriate. The root system should be kept moist. Seedlings should be planted as soon as possible after lifting from nursery, no later than three days. Trees were irrigated immediately after planting. When buds appear, remove unnecessary ones to ensure a straight and round stem. The seedlings should not be planted near plants of mulberry family.

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Central and southern part of Gansu Province and other areas with similar environmental conditions.

  Fingered citron ‘Qingyitongzi ’
  Species: Citrus medica
  Scientific Name: Citrus medica ‘Qingyitongzi’
  Category: Clone
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: GUO-S-SC-CM-008-2006

  Fruits are nice looking, with strong fragrance. Young leaves are green, stem bark is blue and flowers are white. Fruits become golden yellow when ripen, with an evident crack appears at the top. When it is planted in open field, the average annual fruit production is 10-15 fruits/tree, with an average individual fruit weight of 0.5kg and annual production of 11,250-22,500 kg/ha. When planted in a pot as bonsai, it produces 4-6 fruits/tree with an individual fruit weight of 0.2-0.3 kg. Dried pieces of the fruit can be used as medicine. Flowers and leaves can also be used as medicine. Other products by further processing are citron wine, citron tea, preserved fruits and flavor essence.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  When planted in open field for fruit production, then sandy soil should be selected. Deep ditches and high planting beds are used. Beds are 2m wide and spacing is 1.5-2.0 m by 1.0-1.5 m. There are two longitudinal rows in each bed and trees are crisscross planted with a stocking density of 2,250-3,000 trees per hectare. Pruning of flowers and fruits and topping for depressing shoot growth should be conducted as early as possible to improve fruit production. A big plastic greenhouse can be constructed in the mid October, so that the temperature in the greenhouse can be maintained above 5℃. No fertilization in winter and the greenhouse should be kept appropriately dry to facilitate the growth of flower buds.

  When planted in pots, a two-year-old healthy nursery-stock should be selected. Plants are topped when growing up to 15-20 cm, and all branches are removed. 3-4 new vigorous buds at top part are pertained to allow them grow into branches with large angles with the stem. Branches for fruit bearing are selected next April, 3-4 fruits are pertained for each tree after flowering and fruiting, trying to pertain axillary fruits not terminal ones.

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Zhejiang, Jiangxi Province and other regions with similar environmental conditions.

  Fingered citron ‘Baiyixiushi’
  Species: Citrus medica
  Scientific Name: Citrus medica ‘Baiyixiushi’
  Species: Clone
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: Guo-S-SC-CM-009-2006

  Fruits are nice looking, with strong fragrance. Young leaves are green, stem bark is blue and flowers are white. Fruits become golden yellow when ripen, with an evident crack appears at the top. The average annual fruit production is 10-15 fruits/tree, with an average individual fruit weight of 0.5kg. The plants are particularly suitable for making large to medium sized bonsai and prefer sunlight and warm temperature. Dried pieces of the fruit can be used as medicine. Flowers and leaves can also be used as medicine. Other products by further processing are citron wine, citron tea, preserved fruits and flavor essence.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  For pot-planting, two-year healthy and strong nursery stock is selected and planted during the spring rainy season or mid September. Plants are topped when growing up to 15-20 cm, and all branches are removed. 3-4 vigorous and evenly distributed lateral buds are pertained to allow them grow into first division of branches which are topped after 4-5 months and all autumn shoots are removed to protect from cold. Spring shoots next April are pertained to allow them grow into second division of branches. Same treatments are repeated to develop third and fourth divisions of branches. Medium sized bonsai are made with height of 40-50 cm, crown width of 25-35 cm and average number of fruits of 6-10 per tree. To make large bonsai, the height of trees is 100-120 cm, crown width is 60-80 cm. Fertilizations are conducted at the end of March for budding, mid May for stabilizing fruit production, mid August for promoting fruit growth and mid December for fruit harvesting respectively.

  Pruning of flowers and fruits should be conducted as early as possible. Unnecessary buds are removed to depress shoot growth and to improve fruit production. Buds usually appear in mid April or late June. 500ppm of IAA and IBA are applied to coat the flower stalk. When the young fruits begin to become bigger, 100ppm of GA is used to coat the young fruits. A plastic greenhouse is constructed in mid October to ensure that the temperature in the greenhouse is kept above 5℃.Fertilizer is not used in winter. The greenhouse needs to be relatively dry to facilitate the growth of flower buds.

  Suitable Areas for Planting:
  Zhejiang, Jiangxi Province and other regions with similar environmental conditions.

  Fingered citron ‘Chijinwangzi’
  Species: Citrus medica
  Scientific Name: Citrus medica ‘Chijinwangzi’
  Category: Clone
  Certification: Certified
  Registration code: GUO-S-SC-010-2006

  Fruits are nice looking, with strong fragrance. Young leaves, young fruits and flowers are purple-red. Fruits become golden yellow when ripen, with an evident crack appears at the top. Each tree bears 10-15 fruits annually, with an average weight of individual fruit of 0.5 kg and the fruit production per hectare is 11,250 - 22,500 kg/year. Fruit production is the main purpose of this variety, and it can also be used to make bonsais. Dried pieces of the fruit can be used as medicine. Flowers and leaves can also be used as medicine. Other products by further processing are citron wine, citron tea, preserved fruits and flavor essence.

  Silvicultural Techniques:
  Sandy loam soil is selected for growing the trees. Deep ditches and 2 m wide high planting beds prepared for planting. Planting spacing is 1.5-2.0 m by 1.0-1.5 m. Each bed is crisscross planted with 2 rows of trees. Stocking density is 2,250-3,000 trees per hectare. Pruning of flowers and fruits and topping for depressing shoot growth should be conducted as early as possible to improve fruit production. When buds appear, 500ppm of IAA and IBA should be used to coat the flower stalk. When the young fruits begin to become bigger, 100ppm of GA is used to coat the young fruits. A big plastic greenhouse is constructed in mid October to keep the temperature above 5℃. No fertilization in winter and the greenhouse should be kept appropriately dry to promote the growth of flower buds.

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