
  The narrow Sense of Informatics and the Theory of Trademark Protection
  The information about the merchandise is not symmetrical between the consumers and the merchandiser, this will be an immense obstacle for the exchange of merchandise. To overcome the situation of information unsymmetrical, it will be necessary to build a system of communication. The distance between the merchandiser and the consumer is farther and farther, so the communication between them must be an advanced one, an element of which is trademark. Since a kind of communication, the theory of communication(narrow sense of informatics) will be useful to analyse it. We will find the essence of trademark and nearly all the theory of the protection of trademark can be explained by the theory of communication.
  Keywords: Trademark, communication, theory of communication, symbol.
【注释】  为了表述方便,这里的分析仅使用了“生产者”和“商品”,但是分析不仅适用于从事生产加工的经营者,而应适用于全部经营者,使用“生产者”的原因在于,从生产、交换、消费等商品交易环节来看,“生产者”是离消费者最“远”的一类经营者,以其为标准进行分析具有代表性。同时,尽管分析的是“商品”,但分析显然适用于服务。

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