原文客观陈述合同的权利义务终止会导致的法律后果,而may not在法律英语中表示禁止,不知此处译文用意何在。
(二) 同义异译,异义同译。
原文“总则”和第一章的“一般规定”都被翻译为General Provisions,而第十八章的“一般规定”又翻译为General Rules,令人费解。再如:
第九十五条 法律规定或者当事人约定解除权行使期限,期限届满当事人不行使的,该权利消灭。
原译文:Article 95 Where the laws stipulate or the parties agree upon the time limit to exercise the right to rescind the contract, and no party exercises it when the time limit expires, the said right shall be extinguished.
Where the law does not stipulate or the parties make no agreement upon the time limit to exercise the right to rescind the contract, and no party exercises it within a reasonable time period after being urged, the said right shall be extinguished.
合同法》在内的法律法规,而原译文分别用了 laws和 law,不知为何。
译本原译 建议翻译
合同标的 (p11) contract object subject matter
赠与合同 (p3) contracts for donation contracts of gift
委托合同 (p4) contracts for commission contracts for mandate
行纪合同 (p4) contracts for brokerage contracts for commission agency
居间合同 (p4) contracts for intermediation contracts for brokerage
违约金 (p55) breach of contract damages liquidated damages
第四百二十八条 本法自爱999年10月1日起施行。
Article 428 This law shall come into force as of October 1st,1999.
(五) 语法错误。试举两例: