18.4.5 pollution or contamination of any real or personal property or thing whosoever (except other vessels with which the insured Vessel is in collision or property on such other vessels).
18.1 保险人同意赔偿被保险人因对下列损害赔偿负有法律责任而支付给任何其他人的任何金额。
18.1.1 任何其他船舶或该船上财产的损害
18.1.2 任何其他船舶或该船上财产的延迟或丧失用途,如果此种被保险人赔付是由于保险船舶与任何其他船舶碰撞所致。
18.2 依本第18条规定的赔偿,是本保险其他条款和条件规定的赔偿之外的赔偿,且应受下述条款的制约:
18.2.1 在本保险船舶与另一船舶碰撞且两船舶均应负责之情况下,那么除非一船或两船的责任受法律限制,根据本第18条的赔偿,应按交叉责任的原则计算,好像各船东被迫按各自损害赔偿的比例相互赔付,正如在确定由于碰撞应由被保险人支付或应支付给被保险人的余额或金额时本应已适当承认的那样。
18.2.2 在任何情况下,保险人根据第18.1款和18.2款对任何一次碰撞的全部责任,不超过保险船舶比例部分的保险价值。
18.3 保险人亦将支付经其事先书面同意的,被保险人在抗辩责任或提起责任限制诉讼而发生的或可能被迫支付的法律费用。
18.4 但本第18条在任何情况下,不扩展至被保险人应支付的或有关的下述任何金额:
18.4.1 障碍物、残骸、货物或任何其他物体的清除或处置
18.4.2 任何不动产或动产或任何物体,但其他船舶或该船上财产除外
18.4.3 保险船舶上的货物或其他财产或保险船舶的债务
18.4.4 人身伤亡、伤害或疾病
18.4.5 任何动产或不动产或任何其他物体(与保险船舶碰撞的其他船舶或该船上财产除外)的污染或玷污。
第19条 姐妹船条款
Should the Vessel hereby insured come into collision with or receive salvage services from another vessel belonging wholly or in part to the same Owners or under the same management, the Assured shall have the same rights under this insurance as they would have were the other vessel entirely the property of Owners not interested in the Vessel hereby insured; but in such cases the liability for the collision or the amount payable for the services rendered shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be agreed upon between the Underwriters and the Assured.
第20条 保障与赔偿条款
20.1 The underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any sum or sums paid by the Assured to any other person or persons by reason of the Assured becoming legally liable as owner of the Vessel, for any claim, demand, damages and/or expenses, where such liability is in consequence of any of the following matters or things and arises from an accident or occurrence during the period of this insurance:
20.1.1 loss of or damage to any fixed or movable object or property or other thing or interest whatsoever, other than the vessel, arising from any cause whatsoever in so far as such loss or damage is not covered by Clause 18
20.1.2 any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of any fixed or movable object or property or other thing, including the wreck of the Vessel, or any neglect or failure to raise, remove, or destroy the same
20.1.3 liability assumed by the Assured under contracts of customary towage for the purpose of entering or leaving port or maneuvering within the port during the ordinary course of trading
20.1.4 loss of life, personal injury, illness or payments, made for life salvage
20.1.5 (a) hospital medical and burial expenses of Master Officers or Crew
(b) repatriation expenses of Master Officers or Crew (other than wages, remuneration in the nature of wages, or any expenses which ensue from the termination of an agreement, sale of the Vessel or any other act of the Assured).
20.2 The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any of the following arising from an accident or occurrence during the period of this insurance:
20.2.1 the additional cost of fuel, insurance, wages, stores, provisions and port charges reasonably incurred solely for the purpose of landing from the Vessel sick or injured persons or stowaways, refugees, or persons saved at sea.
20.2.2 additional expenses brought about by the outbreak of infectious disease on board the Vessel or ashore
20.2.3 fines imposed on the Vessel, on the Assured, or on any Master Officer crew member or agent of the Vessel who is reimbursed by the Assured, for any act or neglect or breach of any statute or regulation relating to the operation of the Vessel, provided that the Underwriters shall not be liable to indemnify the Assured for any fines which result from any act neglect failure or default of the Assured their agents or servants other than Master Officer or crew member