2.In case tax pauers' taxble shipping income is settled in forign currency, the foreign currency should beconverted in RMB according to market foreign exchange rate, and a supporting document should be provided demonstrating the conversion.
3.This Return should be filled out in Chinese or in both Chinese and foreign languages.
4.Instructions for filling out the following iteme:
a.Withholding agent's file number: the number as designated by the tax authorities in charge at the time oftax registration.
b.Date of filling: the actual date of filling the return.
c.Withholding agent's name: name of the withholding agent for legal purposes.
d.Band: the bank in China with which an account is opened by a withholding agent.
e.A/C number: number of current account in the bank of China by a withholding agent.
f.Taxpayer's name: name of the taxpayer for legal purposes. Place of head office or effective management: the full address and post code in the country of taxpayer being a res dent for tax purposes.
附件3: 外国公司境外收取船舶运输收入情况报告表
填表日期: 年 月 日 金额单位:人民币元
│填表单位或个人名称: │电话: │
│地址: │邮编: │
│外国公司名称: │注册所在地: │
│总机构或实际管理机构所在地: │
│船舶国籍及悬挂国旗: │
│船舶名称: │ (请在适当方格内打√号) │
│ │在中国运输经营方式: □1.班轮运输 │
│ │ □2.不定期船舶运输│
│抵港日期: 年 月 日 │始发港: │
│ │中转港: │
│离港日期: 年 月 日 │目的港: │
│境外收取运费收入总额: │
│其他需说明的情况: │
│填表单位或个人:(盖章或签字) │经办人(签字): │