2.In case tax payers' taxable shipping income is settled in foreign currency, the foreign currency should be converted in RMB according to market foreign exchange rate, and a supporting document should be provided demonstrating the conversion.
3.This Return should be filling out in Chinese or in both Cinese and foreign languages.
4.Instructions for filling out the following items:
a.Withholding agent's file number: the number as designated by the tax authorities in charge at the time oftax registration.
b.Date of filling:the actual dete of filling the return.
c.Withholding agent's neme:name of the withholding agent for legal purposes.
d.Bank: the bank in China with which an account is opened by a withholding agent.
e.A/C number: number of current account in the bank of China by a withholding agent.
f.Taxpayer's name: name of the taxpayer for legal purpuses.Place of head office or effective management: the full address and post code in the country of taxpayer being a residentfor tax purposes.
附件2: 中华人民共和国国家税务总局
State Administration of Taxation of the People's Republic of China
Enterprise Incom Tax Withholding Return for Shipping Income by Foreign Enterprises
税款所属时间:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日
Taxable period:From_____date_____month___year 填表日期: 年 月 日
To______date_____month___year Date of filling:____Date__Month__Year
┌────────────┐ 金额单位:人民币元
│扣缴义务人编码: │
│Withholdingagent'snumber│ Monetary unit:RMB Yuan
│扣缴义务人名称: │地址: │
│Name of withholding agent │Address │
│电话: │开户银行: │银行帐号: │
│Phone number │Bank │A/C number │
│纳税人名称: │注册所在地: │
│Name of taxpayer │Place of registration │
│总机构或实际管理机构所在地: │
│Place of head office or effective management │
│(请在适当方格内打√号 √the appropriate box(es)) │
│在中国运输经营方式: □1.班轮运输 Liner Service │
│Categories of shipping service □2.不定期船舶运输 Tramping Service │
│(请在适当方格内打√号 √the appropriate box(es)) │
│船舶来源: □1.自有船舶 Self-owned; │
│Categories of vessels □2.期租 Time charter; │
│ □3.程租 Voyage charter; │
│ □4.其他 Other cases (需说明具体情况 If yes,pleses state) │
│ 运输收入总额及应扣缴税额 │
│ Gross amount of taxable shipping income and withholding tax │
│运输收入总额 │外币名称 │外汇牌价 │折合人民币金额 │计征率 │应扣缴税额 │
│Amount of │Foreign currency │Exchange │Equivalent │Tax rate│Amount of │
│taxable │ │rate │in RMB │ │withholding │
│Shipping income │ │ │ │ │tax │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│应扣缴税额合计 │ │
│Total withholding tax │ │
│ │ │
│扣缴义务人声明 │ 我声明:此报告表是根据中华人民共和国税收法律法规的有关规定填报的,我 │
│Declaration │确信它是真实的、可靠的、完整的。 │
│ │ 法定代表签名或盖章 │
│ │I declare that this return has been completed according to the tax laws │
│ │and regulations of the People's Republic of China.I believe that all state│
│ │ments contained in this return are true, correct and complete. │
│ │ Signature: │