
  B. Expected environmental and social benefits

Estimate of Greenhouse Gases abated / CO2 Sequestered (in metric tons of CO2-equivalent)


Up to and including 2012: xx tCO2-equivalent

Up to a period of 10 years: xx tCO2-equivalent

Up to a period of 7 years: xx tCO2-equivalent

Up to a period of 14 years: xx tCO2-equivalent

Baseline scenario

CDM/JI projects must result in GHG emissions being lower than “business-as-usual” in the Host Country. At the PIN stage questions to be answered are at least:

·     Which emissions is the proposed Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)/Joint Implementation (JI) project displacing?

·     What would the future look like without the proposed CDM/JI project?

·     What would the estimated total greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction be?

(About ¼ - ½ page)

For sequestration projects only:

Existing vegetation and land use

(What is the current land cover and land use? Is the tree cover more or less than 30%?)

Specific global & local environmental benefits

(In total about ¼ page)

Which guidelines will be applied?

Name and, if possible, the website location

Local benefits


Global benefits


Socio-economic aspects

What social and economic effects can be attributed to the project and which would not have occurred in a comparable situation without that project?

Indicate the communities and the number of people that will benefit from this project.


(In total about ¼ page)

Which guidelines will be applied?

Name and, if possible, the website location

What are the possible direct effects (e.g., employment creation, capital required, foreign exchange effects)?


What are the possible other effects? For example:

training/education associated with the introduction of new processes, technologies and products and/or

the effects of a project on other industries

Environmental strategy/ priorities of the Host Country

A brief description of the relationship of the consistency of the project with environmental strategy and priorities of the Host Country

(Not more than ¼ page)

  C. Finance

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