Project developer
Name of the project developer
Organizational category
| a. Government
b. Government agency
c. Municipality
d. Private company
Non Governmental Organization
Other function(s) of the project developer in the project
| a. Sponsor
b. Operational Entity under the CDM
c. Intermediary
d. Technical advisor
Summary of the relevant experience of the project developer
| Describe in less than 5 lines
| Address, PO Box, City, Country
Contact person
| Name of the Project Development Manager
Telephone / fax
| |
E-mail and web address, if any
| |
Project sponsors
(List and provide the following information for all project sponsors)
Name of the project sponsor
| |
Organizational category
| a. Government
b. Government agency
c. Municipality
d. Private company
e. Non Governmental Organization
Address (include web address, if any)
| Address, PO Box, City, Country
Main activities
| Not more than 5 lines
Summary of the financials
| Summarize the financials (total assets, revenues, profit, etc.) in not more than 5 lines.
Type of the project
Greenhouse gases targeted
| CO2 / CH4 / N2O / HFCs / PCFs / SF6
(mention what is applicable)
Type of activities
| Abatement / CO2 Sequestration
Field of activities
| |
a. Energy supply
| Renewable energy, excluding biomass / biomass / cogeneration / improving energy efficiency by replacing existing equipment / minimization of transport and distribution / fuel switch (e.g., switch coal to biomass)
(mention what is applicable)
b. Energy demand
| Replacement of existing “household equipment” / improvement of energy efficiency of existing production equipment
(mention what is applicable)
c. Transport
| More efficient engines for transport / modal shift / fuel switch (e.g. public transport buses fuelled by natural gas)
(mention what is applicable)
d. Waste management
| Capture of landfill methane emissions / utilization of waste and wastewater emissions
(mention what is applicable)
e. Land Use Change and Forestry
| Afforestation/ reforestation/ forest management/ wetlands management/ watershed management/ improved agriculture / land degradation prevention
(mention what is applicable) -> Additional information to be provided in Annex I
Location of the project
| |
| East Asia & Pacific / South Asia / Central Asia / Middle East / North Africa / Subsaharan Africa / Southern Africa / Central America & the Caribbean / South America/Central & Eastern Europe
(mention what is applicable)
| |
| |
Brief description of the location of the project
| No more than 3 - 5 lines
Expected schedule
| |
Earliest project start date
| Year in which the plant will be operational
Estimate of time required before becoming operational after approval of the PIN
| Time required for financial commitments: xx months
Time required for legal matters: xx months
Time required for negotiations: xx months
Time required for construction: xx months
Expected first year of verified Emission Reduction or CER / ERU delivery
| Year
Project lifetime
| Number of years
Current status or phase of the project
| Identification and pre-selection phase / opportunity study finished / pre-feasibility study finished / feasibility study finished / negotiations phase / contracting phase / etc.
(mention what is applicable and indicate the documentation [e.g., the feasibility study] available)
Current status of the acceptance of the Host Country
| Letter of No Objection is available / Letter of Endorsement is under discussion or available / Letter of Approval is under discussion or available / Host Country Agreement is under discussion or signed / Memorandum of Understanding is under discussion or available / etc.
(mention what is applicable)
The position of the Host Country with regard to the Kyoto Protocol
| The Host Country
a. signed or acceded to the Kyoto Protocol or
b.signed and has demonstrated a clear interest in becoming a party in due time (e.g., countries which have already started or are on the verge of starting the national ratification, acceptance or approval process) or
c. signed the Kyoto Protocol,
d. is a Party to the UNFCCC.
(mention what is applicable)