3.Huge profits makes it almost impossible for drug trafficking to be eliminated autonomously.Accordingly,opium is priced 8 yuan per liang abroad and the price for the same amount increases to 12-15 yuan on the border,150 yuan in Kunming,the capital city of Yunnan province,and then it soars up to 1,500—2,000 yuan in Guangzhou. Illegal heroin trafficking is making even more astonishing profits. One gets a net profit of 400—500 thousand US.Dollar through smuggling one kg heroin into US from Thailand.A small bag(0.1 gram)of heroin in central area of China is priced l5—30—60 yuan. So,“one makes future through one single time out of ten,one smuggler died leaving several rich generations” become the “incentive” or “energy” for those drug traffickers to risk dangers of penalty to death or life imprisonment continuously.
4.The criminal activities of drug crime in China seem to have more and more organized features,its illegal acts tend to be expanding from the traditional criminal offences.The illegal drug trafficking groups have tried every kind of way to expand the sphere of their heinous undertakings geographically,to take full advantage of newly developed facilities of communication and transportation.All these make things more difficult for us.Therefore,a certain period of time is still needed for the urgent improvement of our equipment and immediate skill-training of the police force to keep up with the steps.
5.As mentioned above,a certain amount of drug-consuming market still exists in China today.China has about l40,000 registered drug addicts, and most of them are young persons.It is an urgent task for the government to help them to quit the addiction.Rejoicingly speaking that, the country is now confident about its ability in eradication of drug addiction.Through several years of continuous efforts of our anti-drug dept,a large number of drug addicts have been won back successfully. What is more, we have helped many youngsters give up their bad habit of drug abuse before it is too late by rehabilitation through labour. Simultaneously, pressures coming from the addicts family,social environment,their physical and spiritual sufferings make them wake up,and therefore weaken the drug consuming market in China.Now,we are much experienced in the works of quitting drug addiction.
To state succinctly,drug crime in China will remain a focal point in our criminal policy and in the daily work of our judicial department.We still have a long way to go before we reach the final success.Of course, nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.