The steadily rising amount of drug seized especially that of the superfines all over the country,on one hand tells us that the country seeks to wipe out the evils of the drug trafficking,the nation’s police force has achieved a great success in the struggle against drug,while on another,it indicates that the drug crime offence in the country is becoming more and more serious.
The number of narcotic cases uncovered and the suspected drug traffickers seized increased yearly.
Guangdong police arrested l21 suspects in l984,while in l987,the number doubled.In Guangxi province,217 suspects were arrested, with 211 of them were sued during eighteen months from Jan.1987 to June l988,that was 22 more than the total in two years of l985 and l986.Yunnan province uncovered 2,163 drug crime cases in l987,1,003 in the first five months of 1988,and 3,028 in l989.In the first season of l990,some 578 drug crime cases were uncovered in the same area.The same thing happened in Gansu province, the uncovered drug crime cases had increased step by step from 33 in l985 up to 1,334 in l990. During the first five months of l991, all 357 drug crime cases were uncovered, though the number was not as many as that of l990, the absolute number was by no means great for a small province.In Yunnan, there were as many as 549 uncovered cases with a single amount of more than 50 liang opium each in l985, that’s 44.2% more than the same kind of cases in l984.According to the statistics, one could rarely find a single case in a lawsuit relating more than l00 liang opium or 10 grams heroin in the early 1980s,while things were quite different during recent years.
The god-condemned habit of drug addiction poisoned a large number of youngsters,and they formed an underground drug consuming market in China,thus further stimulating the activities of illicit drug trafficking.Although drug addiction was eradicated in the early l950’s after the founding of P.R.China,drug abuse problem became more and more serious in the country as drug trafficking and other drug-related crimes began reappearing in the 1980’s. As a result, a secret drug consuming market was formed. According to statistics from public security dept. China had 148,500 registered drug addicts by the end of 1991, and more than 80% fo them were young persons. Although the number could not be quite accurate, such a large number would be enough to give drug dealers a further incentive and form a rather serious threat to our social order and public security.
To most of the young people today, narcotics or drug abuse is something completely new. It is the result of curiosity that many young drug addicts began to have this habit. Thus, the reappearing of the problem together with its social harmfulness are really incomparable and beyond our estimation. We realized from the experience of recent years that: