

Research of Economic-law Theory and Its Constitutional Transition in the management of agriculture-countryside-peasant


The appearance of the third sector in the management of agriculture-countryside-peasant derives from the remedy of double-failure of market and government, derives from the institutional transition of legal game between government and peasants, derives from the theory of non-governmental supply of public products. It is the third hand which is distinct from and correlative with market and government. On the base of studying the law system of the third sector in the western countryside, and after researching the legal evolution path of the third sector in the China’s countryside, and rooting in the China’s native resources, there has exploring significance to deeply investigate this subject.
  Research of Economic-law Theory and Its Constitutional Transition in the management of agriculture-countryside-peasant
  刘大洪 李华振
  Abstract: The appearance of the third sector in the management of agriculture-countryside-peasant derives from the remedy of double-failure of market and government, derives from the institutional transition of legal game between government and peasants, derives from the theory of non-governmental supply of public products. It is the third hand which is distinct from and correlative with market and government. On the base of studying the law system of the third sector in the western countryside, and after researching the legal evolution path of the third sector in the China’s countryside, and rooting in the China’s native resources, there has exploring significance to deeply investigate this subject.
  Key words: management of agriculture-countryside-peasant; the third sector; double-failure of market and government; the game theory; rural public product supply
  从法学的理论视域上看,三农问题并不是中国特有的现象,西方发达国家也存在着三农问题。考察西方对三农问题的解决机制,我们发现,“第三部门”(The Third Sector)在发达国家的三农治理中起着重要作用、占有重要地位,成了西方学界研究的一个重要课题。但我国目前的学界对第三部门在三农治理中的重要作用还缺乏足够的认识和重视,因此,在充分借鉴西方对第三部门的研究成果和实践经验的基础上,立足于中国的三农问题之本土资源对第三部门进行深入研究,成了摆在我们面前的一项迫切任务,具有重大的开拓性意义。

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