一、 基本案情:
1、2000年 月 日原告通过货代向长荣海运发出海运出口货物代运委托单(证据1),最后装船期限8月30日,货物件数为556箱 FOBUSD98000。 8月25日上海航华国际船务代理有限公司作为代理人签发第CF30003号注明承运人为被告的正本指示提单(证据2);提单注明: “Shipper’s load and count said to contain:556 cartons GE Breakers”(托运人装载和计数据称装556箱GE Breakers) 封号为SH06634。
4、据称买方已提取该集装箱(2000年11月9日Maritime del Caribe Dominican. S.A.MCD 发e-mail 称:收货人已提取集装箱。同时证明:in accordance with local legislation in the Dominican republic, all import cargo is discharged into the custody of the port authorizes/customs who in turn are solely responsible for the correct release of the cargo to the rightful consignee upon presentation of pertinent documents and payment of the relevant customs duties , taxes, dues etc. hence neither the carrier nor the agent will accept any responsibility in the case of incorrect release of the cargo after delivery to the port authority /customs by the carrier(证据4).11月13日再次发电子邮件称:“交付的集装箱铅封号是6634,与离开POL时相同”(证据5);11月16日通过电子邮件确认:“concerning the state of the seal, it did arrive with no signs of being violated. (证据6)”
5、被告于2000年11月14日传真称:“该集装箱运抵接收人的仓库原铅封完好无损”(证据7);11月16日被告称:“根据卸货理货记录显示其铅封号与提单相同”(证据8)。11月22日被告传真说:“according to Dominican Republic Legislation all import cargo is discharged into the custody of the port authorities/customs who in turn are solely responsible for the correct release of cargo the the rightful party upon presentation of pertinent documents and pay to the relevant fees. In the circumstance, it is out of our control to release cargo ”(证据9);11月27日被告传真再次重申该主张(即该集装箱运抵接收人的仓库原铅封完好无损)(证据10)。