In the event of claim the Assured shall provide the Underwriters with evidence of the amounts insured under all other insurances.( 万一提出索赔,被保险人应向保险人提供所有其他保险的保险金额的证据。)
第15条 不生效条款 (Not to inure clause)
15 This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.( 承运人或其他保管人不得主张本保险的利益。)
第16条 被保险人的义务条款( Duty of Assured Clause)
16. It is the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents in respect of loss recoverable hereunder( 有关可获赔偿的损失,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有下述义务:)
16.1 to take such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimizing such loss, and ( 采取为避免或尽量减少此种损失的合理措施,并)
16.2 to ensure that all rights against carriers, bailees or other third parties are properly preserved and exercised and the Underwriters will, in addition to any loss recoverable hereunder, reimburse the Assured for any charges properly and reasonably incurred in pursuance of these duties.( 确保对承运人、保险人或其他第三方追偿的所有权利被适当保留和行使。保险人将在可索赔的任何损失之外,被偿被保险人因履行这些义务而适当合理地发生的任何费用。)
第17条 弃权条款 (Waiver Clause)
17 Measures taken by the Assured or the Underwriters with the object of saving, protecting or recovering the subject-matter insured shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either party.( 被保险人或保险人采取的旨在捞救,保护或恢复保险标的的措施不得视为放弃或接受委付或在其他方面损害任何一方的利益。)
第18条 合理速办条款 (Reasonable Despatch Clause )
18 It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within their control.( 被保险人应在所有其控制的情况下,合理迅速地行动是本保险的一项条件。)
第19条 英国法律与惯例条款
19 This insurance is subject to English law and practice.( 本保险受英国法律和惯例制约)