
  二、申请人声明 Declaration of claimants:
  I hereby declare that above statement is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
    申请人签名或盖章 Claimant (Signature or Seal):________
  Certificate of resident status of the claimant (For the use of the Tax authority of the Contracting State in which the claimant is a resident) or attach the special certificate of resident issued by the tax or shipping authorities of the Contracting State in which the claimant is a resident.

│  We certify that____(claimant's name) is a resident of ____ according to │
│the Provisions of praragraph____of Article____in the Double Taxation    │
│Agreement between____and the People's Republic of China.          │
│  Claimant's serial number:       Date:               │
│      Signature or stamp of tax office                 │

  四、申请免税的依据(请在适当方格内打√号)Applicable treaties(√ the appropriate box(es)):
  根据中华人民共和国政府和________ 国政府签订的:
  In accordance with the provisions in Article (Articles) ________ of the following treaty (treaties) between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of ________,
     Double Taxation Agreement
     Maritime Agreement
     Agreement for reciprocal exemption of tax on shipping income

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