2. Name of Owner: The name in Chinese and/or English of the owner who declares articles for personal use.
3. ID No. of Owner: ID No. of the owner who declares articles for personal use.
*4. Purpose: Select one between the following uses: official or private.
5. Permit No. of Article: No. of permit issued by competent authorities
6. Telephone: Telephone No. in China
*7. Entry/Exit: Indicate entry, exit and other. If “other” is selected, reasons such as “scrapped” shall be stated.
Complete the following information with reference to the Bill of Lading. (As for the inward articles, the items marked with “*” must be completed, but if the Bill of Lading is not available yet, the completion may be made later. As for the outward articles, if such shipping documents as dock receipts are available, the marked items must also be completed; if not available yet, the completion may be made later.
*8. Entry/Exit Port: The name of the Customs port within China’s Customs territory where the actual importation or exportation of relevant articles is effected
*9. Departure/Destination Country/Region: Departure country/region refers to the original starting country/region from which the import goods are directly consigned to China’s Customs Territory. Destination country/region refers to the country/region to which the export goods are directly consigned from China’s Customs territory. In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “China” in this item. Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the departure/destination country/region in conformity with COUNTRY/REGION CODE prescribed by China Customs.
*10. Port of Loading/Delivery: The port of loading refers to the last overseas port where the import goods are loaded before their arrival in China’s Customs Territory. The port of delivery refers to the final foreign destination port to which the export goods are consigned. In case there is no actual importation or exportation, fill in “within China’s Customs territory” in this item. Give the corresponding name in Chinese for the port in conformity with PORT AND ROUTE CODE prescribed by China Customs.
*11. Means of Transport: Transport via water; rail; road; air mail; or other (to be specified).
Note: For those inward or outward express parcels by non-mail, give the actual means of transport such as “air”. As for articles for official use carried by inward or outward passengers, or articles purchased in duty-free shops, indicate “other”.
*12. Carrie’s name: For water transport, give the number or English name of the vessel. For rail transport, give the carriage number or the transit receipt number. For road transport, give the license plate number of the cross-border vehicle running in China. For air transport, no record is needed. For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form. And, for “other”, give the specific means of transport. As for the office appliances carried by inward/outward passengers, indicate the means of transport that the passenger takes.
*13. Voyage/Flight No.: For water transport, give the voyage number of the vessel. For rail transport, give the date of entry or exit of the territory. For road transport, give the numeric eight-digit date of entry or exit of the cross-border vehicle. For air transport, no record is needed. For mail consignment, give the date of entry or exit of the territory. As for the office appliances carried by inward/outward passengers, indicate the means of transport that the passenger takes. No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.
*14. B/L No.: For water transport, give the B/L No.. If there is a house B/L, give the import or export B/L No. plus “*” plus house B/L No.. For rail transport, give the waybill No.. For road transport, no entry is needed. For air transport, give “MAWB No. plus “__”(underline) plus HAWB No.”. Give MAWB No. if HAWB is not available. For mail consignment, give the number of the mail parcel form. No entry of this item is needed for various other means of transport.