

  当苏格兰议会在伦敦与英国议会争吵时,尽管它在苏格兰赢得了人们的好评,若我们考虑到选举中选民的投票率,那么,因权力下放而产生的立法机构并没有受到一边倒的喝彩。结果,近期所有的变化没有赢得来自公众的广泛支持,其, 中的一些甚至遭到广泛的反对。最近30年左右发生的变化和改革没有形成对政客更多的尊崇,没有出现选举中的高投票率,没有促成人民更深入地卷入政治党派或者说民众总体上更强烈的政治参与热情。老的英国宪法不再枝繁叶茂,全新的宪法还未创建。对正在发生的事情,理性的公共舆论四分五裂,却没有寻求一个替代的宪政模式的巨大热情。因此,英国宪法是正处于一个改进的过程,还是事实上业已受到颠覆,这一点远非清楚。

〔英〕哈利·T·狄金森( Harry T. Dickinson),爱丁堡大学,历史、古典文学与考古学院,Edinburgh EH8 9YL UK;胡琦,南京大学历史系2010 级博士研究生;任东来,南京大学中美文化研究中心。
【注释】Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. 71, 85;Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 6, 9.
Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p. 11.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution: Essays in Political Interpretation, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p. 1.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution: Essays in Political Interpretation, pp. 9-11.
Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, pp. 77-78; Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p.9; Gillian Peele, Governing the UK, 3rd edition, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995, p. 26.
H. T. Dickinson, “The Eighteenth-Century Debate on the Sovereignty of Parliamen,” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series,26,1976:189-210.有关议会主权的通史性讨论见Jeffrey Goldsworthy,The Sovereignty of Parliament:History and Philosophy,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1999.
William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 4 vols., Oxford, 1765-1769;18th edition, London, 1829, I, pp. 46, 48-52, 146, 159-160;Albert Venn Dicey, Lectures introductory to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, London, 1885.像布莱克斯通的大作一样,这本影响广泛的著作后来有很多版本。
Gillian Peele, Governing the UK, pp. 25, 33, 35; A. W. Bradley, “The Sovereignty of Parliament-In Perpetuity?” in The Changing Constitution(ed.), Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver, 3rd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 84.
A. W. Bradley, “The Sovereignty of Parliament-In Perpetuity?” in The Changing Constitution,(ed.)Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver, pp. 85-89.
转引自A. W. Bradley, “The Sovereignty of Parliament-In Perpetuity?” in The Changing Constitution(ed.), Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver, p. 80.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, p. 31.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 162-165;Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, pp. 7, 12;Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, p. 83. 在The Reform of Parliament一书中,一位著名的政治学教授Bernard Crick,提出了类似宣言一样的某些建议。
转引自Norman Tebbit, “Britain and Europe: The Issue of Sovereignty,” in Keith Sutherland(ed.), The Rape of the Constitution? Thorverton, Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2000, p. 291.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 129-130.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 265-266; Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, pp. 81, 99.
Gillian Peele, Governing the UK, p. 35.
Gillian Peele, Governing the UK, pp. 36-38; Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p. 17; Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 129-130; A. W. Bradley''s essay, in Jowell and Oliver(ed.), The Changing Constitution, pp. 90-98.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, p. 130; Gillian Peele, Governing the UK, p. 38; Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p. 82.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 267-268; Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, pp. 83-84.
Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, p. 73; Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, pp. 81,201.
这三个法律详见:http://opsi.gov.uk/acts/act1998/19980046.htmlhttp://www.opsi.gov uk/acts/acts1998/19980047.html;http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/19980047.html.
Vernon Bogdanor,Devolution in the United Kingdom,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999,pp. 203-204.有关苏格兰法细节的讨论请参见:Barry K. Winetrobe,“Enacting Scotland''s ''Written Constitution‘:The Scotland Act 1998,”in Philip Norton(ed.),A Century of Constitutional Reform,Chichester:Wiley-Blackwell for The Parliamentary Yearbook Trust,2011,pp. 85-100.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 176-182.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 188-193;Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, pp. 209-210.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 182-188.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, p. 187.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 239-240,243-244, 316.
Jowell and Oliver(ed.), The Changing Constitution, pp. 98-101; David Feldman, “Extending the Role of the Courts: The Human Rights Act 1998,” in Philip Norton(ed.), A Century of Constitutional Reform, pp. 65-84.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 29, 130-131,241-251,264-265.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 129-130.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 129-130.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 206-207; Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p. 293.
目前(2011年6月),下院议员肯尼斯.克拉克(Kenneth Clarke)掌管着这个内阁部门。上院的辩论原来由大法官来主持,但是,因为现在上院已经没有了大法官,上院的贵族不得不选举一个议长(Lord Speaker)来主持他们的辩论,并代表上院出席各种仪式。
Nevil Johnson,Reshaping the British Constitution,pp.255-258,这个最高法院的组成和细节可参见:http://www.supremecourt.gov.uk/index.html.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 224-228.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 131-132.
Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, p. 198.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 124-125;Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p 188;Gillan Peele,Governing the UK,p.34.有关1911年议会法的最近研究参见:Chris Ballinger,“Hedging and Ditching:The Parliament Act 1911,” in Philip Norton(ed.), A Century of Constitutional Reform, pp. 19-32;http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo5/1-2/13/contentshttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukgpa/Geo6/12-13-14/103/contents.
Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, pp. 8, 191.
Vernon Bogdanor, “Britain and the European Community,” in Jowell and Oliver(ed.), The Changing Constitution, pp. 9-15.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 265-266.
The Life Peerage Act, 1958, http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Eliz2/6-7/21/contents.
Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, p. 212.
《1999年上院法》详见:http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1999/1990034.html;参见:Nevil Johnson,Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 127-129,210-216;Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, pp. 193-200.
“Proposed Reform of the House of Lords”, cm 6488, http://www.archive2.official-documents.co.uk/document/cm64/6488/6488.pdf.
Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, pp. 209-13.
Keith Sutherland(ed.), The Rape of the Constitution?p. 62.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, pp. 219-224.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, pp. 221,225-226.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, pp. 224-225.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom. p. 215;Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, pp. 223,226.
Michael Moran, Politics and Governance in the UK, p. 241;Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, pp. 131, 187.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, pp. 211, 232, 264.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, pp. 227-235;Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p. 288;Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, p. 196.
Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, pp. 288-289.
2006年6月25日,苏格兰《观察》的星期天版宣称,英格兰人对以下现象日益不满:约翰?里德(John Reid)是苏格兰籍下院议员,作为英国政府的内政部长,他能够决定英格兰兰开郡的警察事务,但却不能决定苏格兰拉纳克郡的警察事务。道格拉斯?亚历山大,那时的交通部长,未来能够决定英格兰的公路收费,却不能对自己苏格兰选区作同样的事情。
Dawn Oliver,Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom,p.290;Vernon Bogdanor,Devolution in the United Kingdom,pp. 271-273.
Vernon Bogdanor, Devolution in the United Kingdom, p. 229.
Dawn Oliver, Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom, p. 289.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, p. 3.
Nevil Johnson, Reshaping the British Constitution, p. 2.

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