






【注释】 George Stigler, “The Theory of Economic Regulation,” 2(1) The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science 3 (1971).
Daniel Spulber, “Deregulating Telecommunications”, 12 Yale Journal on Regulation 25 (1995).
Michael Katz, “Ongoing Reform of U.S. Telecommunications Policy”, 41 European Economic Review 681(1997).
Michael Kert and Damien Geradin, “Post-Liberalization Challenges in Telecommunications: Balancing Antitrust and Sector-specific Regulation,” 23(2) Journal of World Competition 27-77 (2000) at 48.
Mark Jeffries and Alicia Young, “New Zealand,” in Jane Forster ed., Telecommunications in the Pacific Rim (St. Leonards: Prospect Media Pty Ltd., 1999) at 256.
Jane Forster,“Australia” in Jane Forster ed., Telecommunications in the Pacific Rim (St. Leonards: Prospect Media Pty Ltd., 1999) at 16-17.
Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole, Competition in Telecommunications (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2000) at 99.
Robert Willig, “The Theory of Network Access Pricing,” in H. Trebing ed., Issues in Public Utility Regulation (Michigan State University Public Utilities Papers, 1979).
William Baumol and Gregory Sidak, “The Pricing of Inputs Sold to Competitors,” 11 Yale Journal on Regulation 171 (1994).
C. Armstrong, C. Doyle, and J. Vickers, “The Access Pricing Problem: A Synthesis,”44(2) Journal of Industrial Economics 131 (1996); N. Economides and L. White, “Access and Interconnection Pricing? How Efficient is the Efficient Component Pricing Rule?”40 Antitrust Bulletin 557 (1995).
William Tye and Carols Lapuerta, “The Economics of Pricing Network Interconnection: Theory and Application to the Market for Telecommunications in New Zealand,” 13 Yale Journal on Regulation 419 (1996).
Mark Jeffries and Alicia Young, “New Zealand”, in Jane Forster ed., Telecommunications in the Pacific Rim (St. Leonards: Prospect Media Pty Ltd., 1999) at 278.
Kerf and Geradin, supra, note 4 at 42.
同上,第49-50 页。
Part XIC of the Trade Practice Act.
1996 Telecommunications Act Section 251(5)(2).
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 251(d)(4).
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 252.
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 252(b).
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 252(e)(1).
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 252(d).
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 252(d)(2).
Implementation of the Local Competition Provision in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 11 FCC Rcd. 15, 499 (1996).
Jeffrey Rehlfs, “A Theory of Interdependent Demand for a Communications Service,” 5 Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science 16 (1974); Michael Katz and Carl Shapiro, “Systems Competition and Network Effects, 8 Journal of Economic Perspective 93 (1994).
Howard Shelanski and Gregory Sidak, “Antitrust Divestiture in Network Industries,” 68 The University of Chicago Law Review 1 (2001).
Brian Arthur, Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-in by Historical Events, 99 Economic Journal 116 (1989); Paul David, “Clio and the Economics of Qwerty”, 75 American Economic Review Papers and Proceeding 332 (1985).
1996 Telecommunications Act, Section 251.
Telephone Number Portability, cc Docket 95-116, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Rd 8352 (1996).
Telephone Number Portability, Third Report and Order, CC Docket No 95-116, RM 8535, FCC 98-82 (May 12, 1998).
Forster, supra, note 7 at 62-64.
Clear Communications Ltd v Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Ltd, (1992) 5 TCLR 166.
Jeffries and Young, supra, note 5 at 280-83.
Commerce Commission Media Release 1999/64, available at (http://www.comcom.govt.nz/publications/display-mr.cfm?mr-id=5447.
Ronald Coase, “The Federal Communications Commission,” 2 Journal of Law &Economics 1 (1959).
Pablo Spiller and Carlo Cardilli, “Towards a Property Rights Approach to Communications Spectrum”, 16 Yale Journal on Regulation 53 (1999).
同上, 第68-71 页。
Mace Rosenstein and David Sieradzki, “United Stateds” in Jane Forster ed., Telecommunications in the Pacific Rim (St. Leonards: Prospect Media Pty Ltd., 1999) at 391.
Ashbacker Radio Corp v FCC, 326 U.S. 327(1945); Telecommunications Act, Section 309(b).
Telecommunications Act, Section 309(i).
Forster, supra, note 7 at 51.
Jeffries and Young, supra, note 5 at 285-86.
Spiller and Cardilli, supra, note 39 at 75.
Rosenstein and Sieradzki, supra, note 41 at 392.

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