

  四 发展中国家应当采取的立场与对策









参见“Bushwon’tprobe labor practices in China AFL-CIO says U. S. lost1. 24 million jobs aswork wasmoved to China”,The Buffalo News(Buffalo,NY)(July 22,2006):D6。
参见WTO,Understanding the WTO,p. 74. Available at http://www.wto. org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/under-standing_e. pdf, last visited on March 16,2009。
参见International Labor Office,Rues of the Game:A brief introduction to International Labor Standards,International Labor Organization,2005,p. 23。
参见Robert Howse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,The Journal of Small and Emerging Business Law,Summer1999,p. 4。
GATT Dispute Settlement Panel Reporton United States—Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,circulated on 3 September 1991,unadopted,DS21 /R. GATT Dispute Settlement Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,circulated on 16 June 1994,unadopted,DS29 /R.
参见Robert Howse and Donald Regan,“The Product/Process Distinction—An Illusory Basis for Disciplining Unilateralismin Trade Policy”,European Journal of International Law,Vo.l 11,2000,p. 249。
参见Howard Mann and Yvonne Apea,“Dispute Resolution”,inTrade and Environment:A Resource Book,edited by AdilNajam,Mark Halle and Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz,IISD、ICTSD and The Ring,2007,p. 67。
参见RobertHowse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,p. 7。
在“海虾—海龟案”中,美国禁止从一些国家进口海虾,理由是这些国家在捕获海虾时使用的方法伤害到了海龟。参见United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products,Appellate Body Report and Panel Report adopted in October and May 1998,WT/DS58(herein after Shrimp-Turtle)。
Shrimp-Turtle,Appellate Body Report,paras. 127-131。
参见Robert Howse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,p. 8。
United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,DS29 /R,para. 5. 35.
Thailand-Restrictions on Importation of and Internal Taxes on Cigarettes,Panel Report,adopted,BISD 37S/200,para. 74.
European Communities-Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products,Appellate Body Report,WT/DS135 /AB/R. (2001),para. 172,175.
Resolution of the European Parliament on the Introduction of a Social Clause in theUnilateral and Multilateral Trading System,Official ournal of the European Communities,no.C61,28 February 1994,p. 89.
参见Shrimp-Turtle,Appellate Body Report,paras. 185-187;Steve Charnovitz,“The Law of Environmental‘PPMs’inThe WTO:Debunking theMyth of Illegality”,The Yale Journal of International Law,Vo.l 27,2002。
United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products,Recourse toArt. 21. 5 of the DSU by Malaysia,Panel Report and Appellate Body Report,WT/DS58 /AB/RW,para. 153.
参见OECD,Trade,Employment and Labor Standards:A Study of CoreWorker’s Rights and International Trade,Paris:OECD,1996,pp. 171-172。
例如,2007年,在美国同拉丁美洲几个国家签订自由贸易协议的过程中,劳工标准和环境问题就成为主要的争议点。参见Weisman,Steven R.,“Democrats offer deal on foreign trade pacts.(Finance)”,International Herald Tribune(March 29,2007):15。
参见“Bushwon’tprobe labor practices in ChinaAFL-CIO saysU. S. lost1. 24 million jobs as work was moved to China”。
参见Richardson Michae,l“Developing Nations Resist WTO Scrutiny;Malaysia Bars Group From Looking at Rights”,International Herald Tribune(Dec 12,1996):15。
参见Marcus Schlagenhof, “TradeMeasures Based on Environmental Process and Production Methods”,Journal of World Trade,Vo.l 29,1995,p. 130。
参见Robert Stern and Katherine Terrell, “Labor Standards and the World Trade Organization:A Position Paper”。
参见Robert Howse,“The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Worker’s Rights”,p. 13。
参见Jansen and Lugard,“Some Considerations on Trade Barriers Erected for Non-Economic Reasons and WTO Obligations”,Journal of International Economic Law,1999,p. 532。
参见J. H. Jackson,William J. Davey and Alan O. Sykes,Legal Problems of International Economic Relations,St. Paul,Minn.:WestPub. Co.,3ed (1995),p. 565。
Singapore WTO Ministerial 1996:Ministerial Declaration,WT/MIN(96) /DEC,18 December1996,para. 4.参见RobertStern and Katherine Terrel,l“Labor Standards and the World Trade Organization:A Position Paper”。
参见Magda Shahin,“Trade and Environment:How Real is the Debate”,in Gary P. Sampson and W. Bradnee Chambersed.,Trade,Environmentand the Millennium,Tokyo:the United NationsUniversity Press,1999,pp. 46-49。

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