【注释】No Freeman shall be taken and imprisoned or disseised of any tenement or of his liberties or free cutoms……except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.
No one should be condemned except in due manner,or by process made by writ origlnal at the common law.
That no man of what estate or condtition that he be,shall be put out of land or tenement,nor taken,nor imprisoned……without beingbrought in answer by due process of law.28 Edw.ⅢCh.3(1354).
W.Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England(9th ed.,London 01783,p.279.
Foil v.Italy,Judgment of 10 December 1982,Series A,No.56;(1983)5:EHRR 313。
See Manfred Nowak,U.N Convention on Civil and Political Rights Commentary,by N.P.Engel,Publisher,Kehl arn Rhein,Strasbourg.Arlington,Va 1993,P.236.
Sir Maurice S.Amos,“A day in court at home and abroad,”Cambridge Law Journal 2(1926).
Hart,supua,n.70,at 132.
L.Full,The law in quest of Itself(Northwesterrn U.Press,1940).
Stromberg v.California,283 U.S.359—376(1931),360—369.
Powell v.Alabama,287 U.U.45—77(1932),49—73.以上内容参见王希:《原则与妥协》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第363页。
Allgeyer v.State of Louisianna,165 U.S.578(1897).
In the detemination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him,everyone is estitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.
See twinning supra note 25 at 225(1973).
Jerome Frank,“Mr.Justice Holmes and Non—Euclidian Legal Thinking,”Cornell Law Quarterly 17(1932):568 586.J.W.
Roscoe Pound,Juriprudence(St.Paul,Minn.:West Publishing,1959),1,350.
Sanford H·kadish,“Methodology and criteria in Due Process Adjudication—A Survey and Criticism,”Yale Law Journal 66(1975):319.
County of Sacramento v.Lewis,118S.Ct.1708,1716一1717(1998)。