




【注释】K.Yannaca—Small,Interpretation of the Umbrella Clause in Investment Agreements,OECD,Working Papers on International Investment,Number 2006/3,PP.5—6,7—8,22;C.Schemer,Traveling the BIT Route:Of Waiting Periods,Umbrella Clauses and Forks in the Road,ne Journal of World Investment &Trade,Vol.5,2004,PP.250—251.
Noble Ventures v.Romania,ICSID Award of 12 October 2005.prar.48.
B.Kunoy,Singing in the Rain:Development in the Interpretation of Umbrella Clause,The Journal of World Investment & Trade.Vol.7.2006.p.275.
只不过这两个案件仲裁庭的组成人员完全相同,其首席仲裁员和申诉方指定的仲裁员也与EL Paso v.Argentina案相同,所不同的只是被申诉方指定的仲裁员。但这三个案件被申诉方分别指定的两个仲裁员没有对裁决提出异议。
K.Ballintine,How Do BITs Bite?A Comparison of SGS V.Pakistan and SGS v.Philippine:International Umbrella Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties, Cambridge Student Law Review,2006,P.37.
C.Schemer,Traveling the BIT Route:Of Waiting Periods,Umbrella Clauses and Forks in the R0ad,The Journal of World Investment&Trade.Vol.5.2004.P.255.
G.S.Tawil,The Distinction between Contract Claims and Treaty Claims:An Overview,资料来源:http://www.iccamontreal2006.ore:/english/pdf/program/presentations/Tawil.pdf,访问日期为2008年3月5日。
K.Yannaca—Small,Interpretation of the Umbrella Clause in Investment Agreements,OECD,Working Papers on International Investment,Number 2006/3,P.7.
O.E.Garcia—Bolivar,The Teleology of International Investment Law:The Role of Purpose in the Interpretation of International Investment Agreements,The Journal of World Investment&Trade,Vol.6,2005,PP.751—771.
A.C.Sinclair,The Origins of the Umbrella Clause in the International Law of Investment protection,Arbitration International,Vol.20,2004,pp.411—434.
T.W.Walde,The“Umbrella”Clause in International Arbitration:A Comment on Original Intention and Recent Cases,The Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol.6,2005,PP.183—236.
V.Zolia,Effect and Purpose of“Umbrella Clauses”in Bilateral Investment Treaties:Unresolved Issues,Transnational Dispute Management,Vol.2,Issue 5,Nove mber,2005,PP.34—35.
J.Gill,M.Gearing & G.Birt,Contractual Claims and Bilateral Investment Treaties:A Comparative Review of the SGS Cases,Journal of International Arbitra tion,Vol.21,2004,P.407.
T.W.Walde,The“Umbrella”Clause in International Arbitration:A Comment on Original Intention and Recent Ca8es,The Journal of World Investment&Trade.V01. 6.2005.PP.197—198.
以下三种理念概括自J.Wong,Umbrella Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties:Of Breaches of Contract,Treaty Violations,and the Divide Between Developing and Developed Countries in Foreign Investment Disputes,George Mason Law Re view,Vol.14,2006,PP.137—139,173—177。作者为美一伊仲裁庭前法律顾问。
J.Kurtz,The Delicate Extension of MFN Treatment to Foreign Investors: Maffezini v.Kingdom of Spain.in Weiler ed.,International Investment Law and Arbitration,Cameron May,2005.PP.534—535.
D.Ruff & T.Guether,Bilateral Investment Treaties—Recent Developments, Leboeuf Lamb Newsletter,March 2006,p.2.
J.Wong,Umbrella Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties:Of Breaches of Contract,Treaty Violations,and the Divide Between Developing and Developed Countries in Foreign Investment Disputes,George Mason Law Review,Val.14,2006,PP.138,176—177.
E.Gaillard,Treaty—Based Jurisdiction:Broad Dispute Resolution Clause,New York Law Journal,Vol.234,No.68,2005,P.3.
S.A.Alexandrov,Breaches of Contract and Breaches of Treaty:The Jurisdict ion of Treaty—Based Arbitration Tribunals to Decide Breach of Contract Claims in SGS v.Pakistan and SGS v.Philippines.The Journal of World Investment&Trade.V01.5.2004,PP.572—576.
J.P.Gaffney & J.L.Loftis,The“Effective Ordinary Meaning”of BITs and the Jurisdiction of Treaty—Based Tribunals to Hear Contract Claims,The Journal of World Investment & Trade,Vol.8,2007,P.24.
在已公布的68个有关双边投资条约争端的国际仲裁裁决中,至少有8个涉及国家所有的并受国家控制的企业。这些裁决均主张,只要国家企业的行为可归因于国家,就可等同于国家行为。参见N.Gallus,state Enterprises as Organs of the State and BIT Claims,The Jourbal of World Investment & Trade,Vol.7,2006,pp.761—779。
UNCTAD,Bilateral Investment Treaties in the Mid—1990s,UN Publication,199 8,p.56.

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