
【注释】Eva Kocher, Private Standards between Soft Law and Hard Law: TheGerman Case, The International Journal of Comparative Law and Industrial Relations 18 (2002), pp.269-270.
Ewoud H.Hondius,Non-Legislative Means of Consumer Protection: The Dutch Perspective, Journal ofConsumer Policy 7(1984), p.139.
J. J Boddewyn, Outside Participation in Advertising Self-Regulation: The Case of the Advertising Standards Authority (U.K. ), Journal of Consumer Policy 6 (1983), p.88.
Eva Kocher, Private Standards between Soft Law and Hard Law: The German Case, The International Journal of Comparative Law and Industrial Relations 18 (2002), pp.269-270.
见EwoudH.Hondius,Non-LegislativeMeans ofConsumerProtection: TheDutch Perspective, JournalofConsumerPolicy7(1984), pp.138-139.
LucHuyse and Stephan Parmentier, RecodingCode: The Dialogue between Consumers and SuppliersThrough Codes ofCon-duct in the European Community, Journal ofConsumerPolicy 13(1990), p.260.
JyrkiTala, SoftLaw as aMethod forConsumerProtection and Consumer Influence, A Reviewwith SpecialReference toNordicExperiences, Journal ofConsumerPolicy 10(1987), p.342.
European ConsumerLaw Group, SoftLaw and The Consumer Interest, ECLG/07/2001-March 2001,p.1.
J.J Boddewyn, Outside Paricipation in Advertising Self-Regulation: The Case of the Advertising StandardsAuthority (U.K. ), Journal ofConsumerPolicy 6 1983, p.81.
Bernd Stauder, Joachim Feldges and PeterMulbert, Consumer Protection in Switzerland byMeans of“SoftLaw”—Prac-tices and Perspectives, Journal ofConsumerPolicy 7 (1984), p.241.
J.J Boddewyn, Outside Participation in Advertising Self-Regulation: The Case of the Advertising StandardsAuthority (U.K. ), Journal ofConsumerPolicy 6 (1983), p.83.
EvaKocher,Private Standards between SoftLaw andHard Law: theGerman Case, International Journal ofComparative La-bourLaw and IndustrialRelations18/3 2002, pp. 268-269.
European ConsumerLaw Group, SoftLaw and The Consumer Interest, ECLG/07/2001-March 2001,p.8.
LucHuyse and Stephan Parmentier, Recoding Code: The Dialogue between Cnsumers and SuppliersThrough Codes ofCon-duct in the European Community. Journal ofConsumerPolicy 13(1990), p. 262.
J. J Boddewyn, Outside Participation in Advertising Self-Regulation: The Case of the Advertising StandardsAuthority (U.K.), Journal ofConsumerPolicy 6 (1983), pp. 79-81.
Eva Kochier, Private Standards between SoftLaw andHard Law: TheGerman Case, JournalofComparative LabourLaw andIndustrialRelations 3 (2002), pp. 271-272.
LucHuyse and Stephan Parmentier, Decoding Code: The Dialogue between Cosumers and SuppliersThrough Codes ofCon-duct in the European Community. Journal ofConsumerPolice 13(1990), p. 259.
参见http://www.cca. org.cn/web/zlk/newsList2.jsp?id=332.

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