Regulating Mine Land Reclamation in Developing Countries

  Given the fact that the security of supply of minerals has been and still remains an issue on an international scale because of the very uneven mineral distribution, some alt, ernatives, arguably, have to be explored to ensure equitable distribution of the costs and benefits to compensate for the unbalanced mineral distribution. This is largely dependent on the willingness of rich countries in the west to pay for the benefits they enjoy, and also on the willingness of developing countries to “sacrifice a bit of their economies” to ensure an environmentally responsible development with western investments in environmental control technology or cleaner production techniques. To trigger this interaction between the North and the South, it is necessary to first help developing countries to design sound legal frameworks and enhance their institutional capacity building at all levels with the assistance of international financial institutions.
  The author would like to thank Professor Philip Andrews-Speed and Professor Lei Shen for their initial helpful comments and friendship over the years. Thanks also go to the anonymous reviewer for his instructive comments and suggestions to finalize this article., ernatives, arguably, have to be explored to ensure equitable distribution of the costs and benefits to compensate for the unbalanced mineral distribution. This is largely dependent on the willingness of rich countries in the west to pay for the benefits they enjoy, and also on the willingness of developing countries to “sacrifice a bit of their economies” to ensure an environmentally responsible development with western investments in environmental control technology or cleaner production techniques. To trigger this interaction between the North and the South, it is necessary to first help developing countries to design sound legal frameworks and enhance their institutional capacity building at all levels with the assistance of international financial institutions.
  The author would like to thank Professor Philip Andrews-Speed and Professor Lei Shen for their initial helpful comments and friendship over the years. Thanks also go to the anonymous reviewer for his instructive comments and suggestions to finalize this article.
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