
【注释】 Parvez Hassan and Azim Azfar, Securing Environmental Rights through Public Interest Litigation is South Asia, 22 Va. Envtl. L. J.218-220, 2004.
Abraham, The Bhopal Case and the Development of Environmental Law in India, 40 I. C. L. Q.354, 1991.
从1950年到1985年,印度最高法院判决的侵权案件,从初审到终审的平均时间是17.5年。参见Nickel, The Human Right to a Safe Environment: Philosophical Perspectives on its Scope and Justification, 18 Yale J. I. L. 201, 1993.
Indian Penal Code, 1860, Section 290.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Preamble.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.2.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.3(1).
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.3(2).
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.25.
Shyamdivan Armin Rosencranz,Environmental Law and Policy in India,68,New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.7、8.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.15.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.4.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.23.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.19.
Shyamdivan Armin Rosencranz,Environmental Law and Policy in India,72,New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.24.
Environment Protection Act of 1986 (India), Art.15.
Habib Ehsanul, Public Interest Environmental Litigation: a Tool to Ensure Compliance and Enforcement, Fifth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, 446,Monterey, California, November 16-20, 1998.
Parvez Hassan and Azim Azfar, Securing Environmental Rights through Public Interest Litigation is South Asia, 22 Va. Envtl. L. J.222, 2004.
Shyamdivan Armin Rosencranz,Environmental Law and Policy in India,551,New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001.
AECEN, Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in India: Rapid Assessment, Final Draft, November 2006.
Shyamdivan Armin Rosencranz,Environmental Law and Policy in India,85,New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001.
司法能动,又称司法能动主义(Judicial Activism),与司法克制(Judicial Restraint)对称。这一个概念最早用于描述1960年代美国联邦最高法院的司法理念。在民权运动的政治、社会背景下,当时以沃伦为首席大法官的最高法院作出大量保障公民基本权利的判决,尤以彻底废除“种族隔离”最为著名。学术上,对司法能动主义的界定,多从这一概念与司法审查(违宪审查)、宪法解释、法官自由裁量权、民主与人权的关系入手。因此,司法能动主义成为一个难以简单定义的概念。但是,司法能动主义具有两大特征:形式上,法官充分行使自由裁量权,自由、灵活的解释宪法和法律;实质上,将自然法或抽象的公平、正义理念注入现行宪法和法律,对公民基本权利给予超越法律的救济。参见克里斯托弗·沃尔夫著,黄金荣译:《司法能动主义——自由的保障还是安全的威胁?》(修订版),中国政法大学出版社2004年版。
A. Rosencranz et al (eds.), Environmental Law and Policy in India, Tripathi, India, 60, 1991.
Jona Razzaque, Human Rights and the Environment: the national experience in South Asia and Africa, OHCHR-UNEP, initiative on human rights and the environment, Background Paper No. 4, 2002.
P. Leelakrishnan, Law and Environment, Eastern Book Company, India, 144-152,1992.
Shyamdivan Armin Rosencranz,Environmental Law and Policy in India,76,New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Michael R. Anderson, Individual Rights to Environmental Protection in India, in Alan E. Boyle and Michael R. Anderson(eds.), Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection, Oxford, 218, 1996.
Michael R. Anderson, Individual Rights to Environmental Protection in India, in Alan E. Boyle and Michael R. Anderson(eds.), Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection, Oxford, 221, 1996.
M. P. Singh:《印度法学教育与宪法学之热点问题》,柳建龙编译,载《求是学刊》2008年第5期。

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