International Journal of Legal Information

  · Criminal Law Teaching & Research Section of the People''sUniversity of China. Zhong hua ren min gong he guo xing facan kao zi liao = Chung hua jen min kung ho kuo hsing fa ts''ank''ao tsu liao (Compilation of Reference Materials on theCriminal Law of the People''s Republic of China, six volumes.

  People''s University of China), 1958 Ed.

  58. Supra note 22, 23 (1957).

  59. Supra note 23, 3 (1957).

  60. Ibid.

  61. This work is considered by scholars as the earliest monograph on criminal lawof new China and is of great value to understanding the academic viewpoints andbackground on criminal law science.-author note.

  134 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION [Vol. 36.1· Political & Legal Institute of Shang Hai Academy of SocialSciences. Song shi xing fa zhi zhu shi = Sung shih hsing fa chihchu shih (Annotated Annals on Criminal Law of Sung Dynasty).

  The Masses Press, 1962 Ed. 150p.

  · Ch''iu Han-p''ing. Li dai xing fa zhi = Li tai hsing fa chih(Criminal Law Annals of Dynasties), Two Volumes. TheMasses Press, 1962 Ed. 642p.

  C. Criminal Legislation(a) Drafting Work of the Criminal CodeDuring the Cultural Revolution, the drafting work on a newcriminal code was still under way. The General Office of the StandingCommittee of the NPC printed and distributed three editions of the draftcriminal code. Each of them is listed here:

  · Draft of Criminal Code of the People''s Republic of China (thetwenty-seventh amendment), completed in December 1962;62· Draft of Criminal Code of the People''s Republic of China (thethirtieth amendment), finished on February 27,1963;63· Draft of Criminal Code of the People''s Republic of China (thethirty-third Amendment), completed on October 9, 1963.64(b) Separate Criminal DecreesIn addition to drafting the criminal code, the StandingCommittee of the NPC also passed several separate criminal decrees,listed below:

  · Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People''sCongress Granting Special Amnesty to Criminals Who HaveTruly Mended Their Ways (adopted on September 17, 1959 atthe 9th Session of the Standing Committee of the NationalPeople''s Congress) ;65· Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People''sCongress Granting Special Amnesty to the War Criminals of theChiang Kai-shek Clique and the Puppet Manchukuo RegimeWho Have Truly Mended Their Ways (adopted on November62. Supra note 5, at 281-308.

  63. Supra note 5, at 309-337.

  64. Supra note 5, at 337-365.

  65. Supra note 7, at 316.

  2008] ZHAI JIANXIONG 13519, 1960 at the 32nd Session of the Standing Committee of theNational People''s Congress);66· Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People''sCongress Granting Special Amnesty to War Criminals of theChiang Kai-shek Clique, the Puppet Manchukuo Regime andthe Puppet Mengjiang Autonomous Government Who HaveTruly Mended Their Ways (adopted on March 30, 1963 at the91st Session of the Standing Committee of the NationalPeople''s Congress);67· Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People''sCongress on Releasing by Special Amnesty All War Criminalsin Custody (adopted on March17, 1975 at 2nd Session of theStanding Committee of the National People''s Congress).68RECOVERY AND PROSPERITY PERIOD (1976-2000)In October 1976 the Great Cultural Revolution ended. It had lastedfor about 10 years. Research in the science of criminal law wasrenewed. From then on, the PRC''s science of criminal law enjoyed aninitial recovery period lasting about three years. This initial recoveryperiod ushered in a more accelerated and fuller development era for thisarea of legal scholarship.

  On July 1, 1979, at the 2nd session of the Fifth NationalPeople''s Congress, the first criminal code of the PRC was passed. Itbecame effective on January 1, 1980. On March 14, 1997, the amendedcriminal code was passed. The promulgation of a criminal code and itsrevision have doubtless given much impetus to the study of criminal lawand greatly promoted the growth and development of the science ofcriminal law.

  Between 1976 and 2000, researchers in criminal law centeredtheir studies on critical problems relating to the criminal legal systemand a number of academic works were published. In this period, theresearch can be divided into three stages principal stages:

  66. Supra note 7, at 378.

  67. Supra note 7, at 391.

  68. Supra note 5, at 135.

  136 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION [Vol. 36.1A. The First Stage (1976-1988)In this stage, scholarship was focused mainly on the drafting,propagandizing and explaining the criminal code. Academic studieswere carried out on some important issues involving the criminal code.

  Typical academic works published during this period are:

  Textbooks· Yang Ch''un-hsi [et al.]. Xing fa zong lun = Hsing fa tsung lun(General Theories of Criminal Law). Pei Ching: Pei ChingUniversity Press, 1981. 342p.

  · Wang Tso-fu [et al.]. Xing fa ge lun = Hsing fa ko lun (SpecificTheories of Criminal Law). Pei Ching: the People''s Universityof China Press, 1982. 265p.

  · Kao Ming-hsüan [et al.]. Xing fa xue = Hsing fa hsüeh(Criminal Law Science). Pei Ching: Law Press, 1982. 600p.

  Monographs· Kao Ming-hsüan. Zhong hua ren min gong he guo xing fa deyun yu he dan sheng = Chung hua jen min kung ko kuo hsing fate yün yü ho tan sheng (The Gestation and Naissance of theCriminal Law of the People''s Republic of China: a WorkingPersonnel''s Reading Notes). Pei Ching: Law Press, 1981. 258p.

  · Wu Chen-hsing. Lun jiao suo fan = Lun chiao so fan (OnInstigator). Ch''ang Ch''un: Chi Lin People''s Press, 1986. 190p.

  · Ku Hsiao-jung. Xing fa zhong de yi zui yu shu zui wen ti =Hsing fa chung te i tsui yü shu tsui wen t''i (The Issues ofSingular Crime and Plural Crimes in the Criminal Law). ShangHai: Hsüeh Lin Press, 1986. 148p.

  · Li Kuang-ts''an [et al.]. Xing fa yin guo guan xi lun = Hsing fayin kuo kuan hsi lun (Theory on Causality of Criminal Law). PeiChing: Pei Ching University Press, 1986. 314p.

  · Kao Ming-hsüan. Xin zhong guo xing fa xue yan jiu zong shu =Hsin chung kuo hsing fa yen chiu tsung shu (A Summary ofStudy on New China''s Criminal Law: 1949-1985). ChengChou: Ho Nan People''s Press, 1986. 971p.

  · Li Kuang-ts''an [et al.]. Lun gong tong fan zui = Lun kung t''ungfan tsui (On Joint Crime). Pei Ching: China University ofPolitical Science and Law Press, 1987. 226p.

  2008] ZHAI JIANXIONG 137· Chao Ping-chih. Fan zui wei sui de li lun yu shi jian = Fan tsuiwei sui te li lun yü shih chien (The Theory and Practice onAttempted Crime). Pei Ching: the People''s University of ChinaPress, 1987. 335p.

  · Ch''en Hsing-liang. Zheng dang fang wei lun = Cheng tang fangwei lun (On Justifiable Defense). Pei Ching: the People''sUniversity of China Press, 1987. 304p.

  · T''ien Wen-ch''ang. Xing fa mu di lun = Hsing fa mu ti lun (OnAims of Punishment). Pei Ching: China University of PoliticalScience and Law Press, 1987. 105p.

  · Fan Feng-lin [et al.]. Fan zui gou cheng lun = Fan tsui kouch''eng lun (On Composition of Crime). Pei Ching: Law Press,1987. 404p.

  · Wang Tso-fu. Zhong guo xing fa shi yong = Chung kuo hsing fashih yung (The Application of Criminal Law of China). PeiChing: Chinese People''s Public Security University Press,1987.562p.

  Works on China''s Criminal Law History· Ch''iao Wei. Zhong guo xing fa shi gao = Chung kuo hsing fashih kao (Manuscripts on History of Criminal Law in China).

  Hsi An: Science Research Department of Northwest Academyof Politics & Law, 1982. 282p.

  · Ts''ai Shu-heng. Zhong guo xing fa shi = Chung kuo hsing fashih (The Criminal Law History of China). Nan Ning: KuangHsi People''s Press,1983. 223p.

  · Chou Mi. Zhong guo xing fa shi = Chung kuo hsing fa shih (TheCriminal Law History of China). Pei Ching: The Masses Press,1985. 481pB. The Second Stage (1988-1997)From 1988 to 1997 when the revised criminal code waspromulgated, research work on criminal law developed basically alongthe three paths: the first focuses on a special criminal legislation andamendments to the existing criminal code. The second path was athorough and careful study of the revisions of the criminal code enactedin 1979. The third path was scholarship on the basic theory of criminallaw. During this stage, the number of academic works concerningtopics mentioned above numbers in the hundreds. Examples of theseveral types include:

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