International Journal of Legal Information

  · Criminal Law Teaching and Research Section of the People''sUniversity of the North East China. Zhong hua ren min gong he43. Supra note 30, 6 (1957)44. Supra note 22, 2 (1957).

  45. Supra note 23, 2 (1957).

  46. Supra note 22, 26 (1957).

  47. Supra note 23, 3 (1957).

  130 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION [Vol. 36.1guo xing fa can kao zi liao hui bian = Chung hua jen min kungho kuo hsing fa ts''an k''ao tzu liao hui pien (Compilation ofReference Materials on the Criminal Law of the People''sRepublic of China), three volumes. The People''s University ofthe North East China, 1954 Ed.

  · Southwestern Academy of Politics and Law. Zhong guo xing facan kao zi liao = Chung kuo hsing fa ts''an k''ao tzu liao(Reference Materials on China''s Criminal Law), two volumes.

  Southwestern Academy of Politics and Law Press, 1954 Ed.

  · Criminal Law Teaching & Research Section of the People''sUniversity of China, Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure LawTeaching & Research Section of the Beijing Academy ofPolitics and Law. Zhong hua ren min gong he guo xing fa jiaoxue da gang = Chung hua jen min kung ho kuo hsing fa chiaohsüeh ta kang (Teaching Syllabuses of Criminal Law of thePeople''s Republic of China). Law Press, 1956 Ed.

  · Law Section of the Standing Committee of the NationalPeople''s Congress (NPC). Xing fa zong ze fen jie zi liao huibian = Hsing fa tsung tse fen chieh tzu liao hui pien (AnAnnotated Collection on the General Provisions of CriminalLaw). Law Press, 1957 Ed.

  · Criminal Law Teaching & Research Section of the People''sUniversity of China. Zhong hua ren min gong he guo xing fa ziliao hui bian = Chung hua jen min kung ho kuo hsing fa tzu liaohui pien (A Collection on the Criminal Law Materials of thePeople''s Republic of China), five volumes. Published by thePeople''s University of China during the period 1953-1957.

  · Criminal Law Teaching & Research Section of the CentralLeadership Institute of Politics and Law. Zhong hua ren mingong he guo xing fa zong ze jiang yi = Chung hua jen min kungho kuo hsing fa tsung tse chiang i (Teaching Materials on theCriminal Law of the People''s Republic of China). Law Press,1957 Ed.

  THE DEPRESSION &STAGNATION PERIOD (1957-1976)During the twenty years from 1957 to 1976, China''s criminal lawunderwent a period in which research fell into a long-term stagnation.

  This period corresponds with several important and uninterruptedpolitical movements, especially, the Great Cultural Revolution.

  2008] ZHAI JIANXIONG 131A. Summary of ResearchDuring 1957 to 1976, criminal law research focused on six mainareas:

  (a) Issues related to Crime and Two Kinds of ContradictionsIn 1957, Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung published his famous workOn the Correct Handling of Contradiction Among the People,48 inwhich he advances the doctrine of two different kinds of contradictions.

  Some scholars then introduced this doctrine into their study of criminallaw, and advanced the idea that these two different kinds ofcontradictions also exist in criminal phenomena. Soon afterwards,debates on the topic commenced among academicians. A number oftheses on this subject were published in succession, among which thefollowing are representative:

  · Chu Chi-liang, Guan yu fan zui de mao dun xing zhi wen ti: xuexi mao zhu xi “liang lei mao dun” xue shuo de yi dian ti hui =Kuan yü fan tsui te mao tun hsing chih: hsüeh hsi mao chu hsi“liang lei mao tun” hsüeh shuo te i tien t''i hui (Study onContradiction Nature of Crime: Understandings of Study onChairman Mao''s Theory of Two Different Kinds ofContradictions);49· Yeh Chün. Cong xing shi fan zui zhong kan ren min nei bu maodun de zhuan hua wen ti = Ts''ung hsing shih fan tsui chungk''an jen min nei pu mao tun te chuan hua wen t''i (From theAngle of Criminal Offence to Observe the Transformative Issueof Contradictions Among the People);50· Lo Su-chüan. Guan yu fan zui de mao dun xing zhi de shang tao= Kuan y fan tsui te mao tun hsing chih te shang t''ao(Discussions on the Contradiction Nature of Crime);5148. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. V, People Press, 1977 Ed., at 363-402.

  The unofficial translation in English may also be read from the website, ReferenceArchive: Mao Zedong, athttp://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/-mao/selected-works/volume-5/mswv5_58.htm> (accessed on November 21, 2007).

  49. Zheng zhi yu jing ji = Cheng chih yü ching chi (Politics and Economy), 1(1960).

  50. Supra note 30, 8 (1958).

  51. Supra note 30, 7 (1958).

  132 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION [Vol. 36.1· Wang Wen-sheng. Cong liang lei she hui mao dun kan fan zuide mao cun xing zhi = Ts''ung liang lei she hui mao tun k''an fantsui te mao tun hsing chih (From the Angle of Two DifferentSocial Contradictions to Examine the Contradiction Nature ofCrime);52· Chan Lien-fang. Ru he qu fen fan zui xian xiang zhong liang leimao dun = Ju ho ch'' ü fen fan tsui hsien hsiang chung liang leimao tun (How to Distinguish the Two Different Kinds ofContradictions in Criminal Phenomena·)53· Li K''o-jen. Dui fan zui mao dun xing zhi wen ti de ji dian kan fa=Tui fan tsui mao tun hsing chih wen t''i te chi tien k''an fa(Some Opinions on the Issue of Contradiction Nature ofCrime).54(b) Issue on Causality of CrimeDuring this period, the issue of causality of crime was stilltaken seriously by scholars and some papers on this subject werepublished, such as:

  · Chüan Hsin-kuang. Shi tan xing fa zhong de yin guo guan xi =Shih t''an hsing fa chung te yin kuo kuan hsi (Discussions onCausality of Criminal Law);55· Ma Ch''i''& Kuang Chien. Ma lie zhu yi yin guo xing de li lun zaifa xue zhong de ying yong = Ma lieh chu i yin kuo hsing te li luntsai fa hsüeh chung te ying yung (Causality in Marxist Theoryand Its Application in the Legal Science);56· Yang Tun-hsien. Dui “fan zui wei hai jie guo” de yi dian qianjian: yu quan xin guang tong zhi shang que = Tui “fan tsui weihai chieh kuo” te i tien ch''ien chien: yü Chüan Hsin-kuangt''ung chih shang ch’üeh (Some Elementary Views on theDangerous Consequences of a Crime: Discussions withComrade Chüan Hsin-kuang).5752. Supra note 30, 5 (1958).

  53. Zheng fa xue xi = Cheng fa hsüeh hsi (Political-Legal Learning), 3 (1958).

  54. Ibid.

  55. Supra note 23, 3 (1963).

  56. Dong bei ren min da xue ren wen ke xue xue bao = Tung pei jen min ta hsüeh jenwen k''o hsüeh hsüeh pao (Journal of Humanities Sciences of North East People''sUniversity), 2 (1958).

  57. Supra note 23, 1 (1964).

  2008] ZHAI JIANXIONG 133(c) Issues on Retaining or Abolishing Life ImprisonmentIn 1957 there were some academic discussions about therelative merits of life imprisonment, and three representative articleswere released in journals:

  · Hsü Fei. Dui wu qi tu xing cun fei wen ti de yi jian = Tui wu ch''it''u hsing ts''un fei wen t''i te i chien (Some Opinions toward theExistence and Abolishment of life imprisonment);58· Li I-ch''eng. Lue lun wo guo xing fa shang de wu qi tu xing wenti = Lüeh lun wo kuo hsing fa shang te wu ch''i t''u hsing wen t''i(A Brief Discussion on the Issue of life imprisonment in theCriminal Law of Our Country);59· Wang tsu-ch''en. Dui wu qi tu xing cun fei wen ti de shang que= Tui wu ch''i t''u hsing ts''un fei wen t''i te shang ch‘üeh(Discussions on the Issue of Existence and Abolishment of lifeimprisonment).60B. Featured Research Results on Criminal LawDuring this period the academic works in criminal law that werepublished openly were mainly translated versions of the former SovietUnion''s criminal works and some other countries'' criminal codes. Littleresearch was published on criminal law due to the stagnancy of researchworks during the Cultural Revolution. The one monograph written by aChinese scholar that is most representative of the works publishedduring that time is Li Kuang-ts''an''s On Accomplice61 (Law Press, 1957Ed., reprinted in 1981). A handful of other reference books were alsopublished, such as:

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