International Journal of Legal Information

  (b) Issues on the Concept of CrimeThe concept of crime is the cornerstone in criminal law theory,and from 1950s study works on legal concept of crime were carried outin criminal law circle and debates concerned focused mainly on thesignificance of social harmfulness in the concept of crime. There are21. Supra note 3, at 88-89.

  22. Jiao xue jian bao = Chiao hsüeh chien pao (Teaching Bulletin), 10 (1956).

  23. Zheng fa yan jiu = Cheng fa yen chiu (Political-Legal Study), 5 (1956).

  24. Ibid, 2 (1957).

  126 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION [Vol. 36.1two academic articles representative in this subject:

  · Chang Hsien-ken. Guan yu fan zui gai nian zhong she huiwei hai xing wen ti de shang que = Kuan yü fan tsui kainien chung she hui wei hai hsing wen t''i de shang ch‘üeh(Some Discussions on the Issues of Social Harmfulness inthe Concept of Crime);25· Chiang Jen-pao, Tseng Shao T''ang. Guan yu fan zui gainian zhong de she hui wei hai xing wen ti de tao lun = Kuanyü fan tsui kai nien chung te she hui wei hai hsing wen t''i det''ao lun (A Discussion on the Issues of Social Harmfulnessin the Concept of Crime).26(c) Issues on Causality in Criminal LawIn 1950s the Causality of crime had once been an issue thatraising much attention of Chinese scholars in criminology for somemisjudged cases occurred in judicial practices. There had been manyreasons for these erroneously decided cases, among which an importantfactor is the judicial personnel had not taken causality of crime seriouslyin their trial works. Some theses important on this topic published at thattime are listed below:

  · Mei Tse-chün. Zhe xue shang de yin guo guan xi ji qi zaixing fa zhong de yun yong = Che hsüeh shang te yin kuokuan hsi chi ch''i tsai hsing fa chung te yün yung (Causalityin Philosophy and Its Application in Criminal Law);27· Chiang Huan-ch''en. Shen me shi xing fa ke xue zhong de yinguo guan xi = Shen mo shih hsing fa k''o hsüeh chung te yinkuo kuan hsi (What is Causality in the Science of CriminalLaw);28· Yüan Ting. Du zhe dui xing fa ke xue de yin guo guan xi deyi jian zhai yao = Tu che tui hsing fa k''o hsüeh te yin kuokuan hsi te i chien chai yao (Digest of Readers'' Opinions onthe Issues of Causality in Criminal Law Science);29· Ma K''o. Ru he jie jue xing fa ke xue zhong de yin guo guanxi = Ju ho chieh chüeh hsing fa k''o hsüeh chung te yin kuo25. Hua dong zheng fa xue yuan xue bao = Hua tung cheng fa hsüeh yüan hsüehpao (Journal of the East China Academy of Politics and Law), 2 (1956).

  26. Fa xue = Fa hsüeh (Law Science), 1 (1957).

  27. Supra note 25, 1 (1956).

  28. Supra note 25, 2 (1956).

  29. Supra note 25, 3 (1956).

  2008] ZHAI JIANXIONG 127kuan hsi (How to Solve the Issues of Causality in theScience of Criminal Law);30· Yang Chao-lung. Xing fa ke xue zhong yin guo guan xi de jige wen ti = Hsing fa k''o hsüeh chung yin kuo kuan hsi te chiko wen t''i (Some Issues on the Causality of Criminal LawScience);31· Chou Yüan-ping. Ru he ba zhe xue shang de yin guo fanchou ying yong dao xing fa ke xue zhong lai = Ju ho pa chehsüeh shang te yin kuo fan ch''ou ying yung tao hsing fa k''ohsüeh chung lai (How to apply the Philosophical Causalityto the Criminal Law Science).32· Wang Chin-k''o. Zhong hua ren min gong he guo xing fazhong de yin guo guan xi = Chung hua jen min kung ho kuohsing fa chung te yin kuo kuan hsi (Causality in theCriminal Law of the People''s Republic of China);33(d) Issues on the Aims of PunishmentDuring this period, the concept of the aims of punishmentprovoked much interest among the scholars. There were debatesinvolving the doctrines of punishment, reform, prevention andelimination of crime. Some of these debates were quite vehement amonglegal academicians. Even so, most of these debates were fairlysuperficial. Even so, they helped create a precedent for the study of theaims of punishment in the PRC, and they were of great significance forthe subsequent development of criminal law theory. The main theses onthis subject published during the period are:

  · Wang Ch''u. Tan tan xing fa zhong de ji ge wen ti = t''an t''anhsing fa chung te chi ko wen t''i (Discussions on the Issues ofPunishment);34· Ch''en Te-chung. She hui zhu yi lei xing guo jia zhong xing fa demu di = She hui chu i lei hsing kuo chia chung hsing fa te mu ti(Aims of Punishment Among the Socialist Countries);3530. Fa xue = Fa hsüeh (Law Science), 4 (1957)31. Ibid.

  32. Ibid.

  33. Supra note 22, 23 (1957).

  34. Supra note 23, 5 (1956).

  35. Supra note 22, 21 (1956).

  128 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION [Vol. 36.1· Tung Wei. Wo guo xing fa zhong xing fa de mu di = Wo kuohsing fa chung hsing fa te mu ti (Aims of Punishment in OurCountry''s Criminal Law);36· Chang Ching-yüeh. Yu fang fan zui he xiao mie fan zui shi woguo xing fa de mu di = Yü fang fan tsui ho hsiao mieh fan tsuishih wo kuo hsing fa te mu ti (The Punishment Aims of OurCountry is to Prevent and eliminate Crime);37· Ch''en Chu-ming. Tan tan wo guo xing fa de mu di = t''an t''anwo kuo hsing fa te mu ti (Discussion on the Aims of Punishmentof Our Country);38· Yang Kuang-yin. Wo dui wo guo xing fa zhong xing fa de mu dide kan fa = Wo tui wo kuo hsing fa chung hsing fa te mu ti tek''an fa (My Views on the Punishment Aims of Our Country''sCriminal Law);39· T''an Jih-hui. Guan yu wo guo xing fa zhong xing fa mu di deshang que = Kuan yü wo kuo hsing fa chung hsing fa mu di teshang ch'' üeh (Discussion on the Punishment Aims of OurCountry''s Criminal Law).40(e) Issues on Retaining or Abolishing the Death Penalty with ReprieveThe death penalty with reprieve gained prominence in theMovement of Repressing Counter-Revolution carried out in 1951. For atime, debates about whether it should be retained were heated within theacademic field of criminal law. Many theses on this subject werepublished, for example:

  · Lu Wei-ch''ien. Si xing de huan xing wen ti = Ssu hsing te huanhsing wen t''i. (Issue on the Reprieve of the Death Penalty);41· Ding Shu-ch''i. Wo guo xing shi li fa zhong shi fou hai yao caiyong “si huan” zhi du ·= Wo kuo hsing shih li fa chung shihfou hai yao ts''ai yung “ssu huan” chih tu· (Should OurCriminal Legislation Still adopt the Death Penalty System withReprieve·)4236. Ibid.

  37. Ibid.

  38. Supra note 22, 22 (1957).

  39. Ibid.

  40. Supra note 22, 23 (1957).

  41. Supra note 23, 6 (1956).

  42. Supra note 23, 1 (1957).

  2008] ZHAI JIANXIONG 129· Kao Fang. Wo guo xing fa zhong de “si huan” he wu qi tu xingshi fu he ren dao zhu yi yuan ze de = Wo kuo hsing fa chung te“ssu huan” ho wu ch''i t''u hsing shih fu ho jen tao chu i yüan tsete. (The Death Penalty with Reprieve and Life Sentences are inConformity with the Humanitarianism Principle);43· Ku Li-t''ao. Dui si xing de chu bu tan tao = Tui ssu hsing te ch''upu t''an t''ao. (A Preliminary Discussion on Death Penalty);44· Wang Cheng-li. Shi fou hai yao cai yong “si huan” zhi du =Shih fou hai yao ts''ai yung “ssu huan” chih tu. (Should We StillAdopt the Death Penalty System with Reprieve·)45· Kuang Chien. Tan si xing = T''an ssu hsing. (On DeathPenalty).46(f) Issue on Counter-revolutionary OffenceThe offence of counter-revolutionary activity was once a topicthat acquired more research than any other issue in criminal law. Theheart of the debate was located on whether there is or could be anattempted crime of counter-revolutionary activity. But researchpublished during this period is sparse, though there were a number oftextbooks and other teaching materials published. The main thesis onthe crime is Li Meng''s Ru he ren ding fan ge ming zui = ju ho jen tingfan ko ming tsui (How to Determine the Counter-RevolutionaryCrime).47 Textbooks published in this period include:

  · Chiang Yung. Zhong hua ren min gong he guo cheng zhi fan geming tiao li jie shuo = Chung hua jen min kung ho kuo ch''engchih fan ko ming t''iao li chieh shuo (Explanation on theRegulations for Suppression of Counter-revolution of thePeople''s Republic of China). The Masses Law Science Press,1951 Ed.

  · Wu Ch''ung-yün. Cheng zhi fan ge ming tiao li jiang jie =Cheng chih fan ko ming t''iao li chiang chieh (Interpretation onthe Regulations for Suppression of Counter-revolution). LaborPress, 1951 Ed.

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