See in particular Parts 4.7.3, 4.8.2 and 4.8.4. IP/99/133, 24 Feb. 1999. 结论可在以下地址调取 COM(1999) 644/1 and /2. See further below, Parts 5 and 6. Cf. “Project Gandlf” and the “G-14 Group”. COM (95) 590. Case C-415/93, supra note 2, para 106 of the judgment. Cf. Part 2 above. See Weatherill, “Resisting the pressure of ‘Americanization’:The influence of EC law on the European sport model” in Greenfield and Osborn(Eds.), Sport and the Law (London, Frank Cass,2000). Part 4.8.4. see Van Den Brink “EC Competition Law and the Regulation of Football”, (2000)ECLR , esp. 364-8,426. Hellenthal, Zulässigkeit einer supranationalen Fussball-Europaliga nach den Bestimmungen des europäischen Wettbewerbrechts(Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2000). Deliege, paras. 41-42 of the judgment; Lehtonen, paras. 32-33 of the judgment. This is duly quoted in the Commission’s memorandum of 5 June 2002, “The application of the EU’s competiton rules to sports”, 5 June 2002. 该记录可在以下地址调取 Working Group on “Taking account of sport in Community policies and measures”. 文件可在以下地址调取 COM(2001)584, 16 Oct. 2001. 经济与社会委员会在评注该建议时,庄重地解释道:“奥林匹克精神是不成文法。一种精神不能被法典化或写下来,应避免用语言对其进行描述。它必须是被实践的”,SOC/092,2002年4月24日,para 1.6,,援引自一个希腊政府网站。 O.J.2002, C 275E/70. 预算达1150万欧元。 Cf. Parrish, “Reconciling conflicting approaches to sport in the European Union”, p.21 in Caiger and Gardiner, Professional Sports in the EU:Regulation and Re-Regulation(The Hague, TMC Asser Press, 2000); and more generally Greenfield and Osborn(Eds.), Regulating Football: Commodification, Consumption and the Law(London, Pluto Press, 2001). 应当承认,这不是一条单行道。在”Sport as Culture in EC Law”一书中,笔者认为,体育披上了文化的外衣以避开一般的商业假设(例如集中出售转播权和转会体制),但根据同样值得怀疑的假设,可能会发现作为其文化地位的后果,它需要作出商业上的牺牲——例如规定在Directive 89/552中的,后来又经Directive 97/36修改的“受保护的活动”。此外一些国内法规定限制体育主体将转播权出售给开价最高的投标者的权利。最近的有关实践,see Craufurd Smith and Boettcher, “Football and Fundamental Rights: Regulating Access to Major Sporting Events on Television”, 8 EPL (2002), 107.