The Committee will strengthen the capital requirements in the trading book. Global banks'' trading assets have grown at double digit rates in recent years, and in some cases represent the majority of a bank''s assets. The proportion of complex, less liquid credit products held in the trading book has likewise increased rapidly. The current value-at-risk based treatment for assessing capital for trading book risk does not capture extraordinary events that can affect many such exposures. The Committee, in cooperation with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), therefore is extending the scope of its existing proposed guidelines for "incremental default risk" to include other potential event risks in the trading book. Until this event risk charge is in place (planned for 2010), an interim treatment will be applied for complex securitisations held in the trading book. The Committee expects to issue its event risk proposal for public consultation later this year, and it also will conduct a quantitative impact assessment.
The Committee will monitor Basel II minimum requirements and capital buffers over the credit cycle. To the extent that this analysis reveals any shortcomings in capital cushions, the Committee will take appropriate measures to help ensure Basel II provides a sound capital framework for addressing banks'' evolving and complex risk profiles.
Risk management practices
The market turmoil has revealed significant risk management weaknesses at banking institutions. Pillar 2 (the supervisory review process) provides supervisors with additional tools to assess banks'' risk management and internal capital management processes. The Committee will issue Pillar 2 guidance in a number of areas to help strengthen risk management and supervisory practices. These relate to the management of firm-wide risks; banks'' stress testing practices and capital planning processes; the management of off-balance sheet exposures and associated reputational risks; risk management practices relating to securitisation activities; and supervisory assessment of banks'' valuation practices.
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